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UMC Men’s Department Honors Liberian Businessman
By S. Siapha Mulbah On Sunday June 25, 2023, the Men Department of the United Methodist Church (UMC) in Liberia honored one of Liberia’s leading business man Henry Jackson as the!-->!-->!-->…
Mother Bindah Delivers Startling Revelations
The General Overseer/Founder of the Jesus Christ End Time Ministries International, Reverend Mother Esther O. K. Bindah has revealed that God opened her eyes to see many mysterious!-->…
Liberian Muslims End Hajj Conflict; Commit To Unity
Stakeholders of the Liberian Muslim Community have finally resolved to work together for the success of this year’s Hajj Program, with an agreement of all Hajj and Umrah agencies to work!-->…
CHRIDA-House Of Testimony Honors Mothers With A Call To Be Productive
By Bill W. CooperOn Sunday, May 14, 2023, friends and other women joined mothers of the Christian Interdenominational Assemblies (CHRIDA) House of Testimony in celebration of this year’s!-->…
PAW Observes 92nd Annual Nat’l Convention
The Liberian West African Council (35 Episcopal District) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World INC. 92nd National Convention got underway Monday, May 1, 2023 at the Miracle, Praise and!-->…
Grand Mufti Calls For Unity
The Grand Mufti of the Fatwa Council of Liberia, Sheikh Abubakar Sumawolo, has called for unity amongst Muslims acrsss Liberia.He said unity is necessary as it is an essential part of!-->…
NCCL Launches ‘Spiritual Resolution’ Phase III
By Precious D FreemanThe National Christian Council of Liberia (NCCL) has launched Phase three of its Spiritual Resolution, declaring deliverance over Liberia from darkness thus setting the!-->…
United Methodist Women End Team Liberia’s TfT Refresher
The Conference United Methodist Women Organization (CUMWO)of the Liberia Annual Conference has ended a five-day training in Monrovia for Team Liberia. According to the leadership!-->!-->!-->…
ICODEHS-Liberia Holds First Annual Conference Saturday
The Islamic Council for Development and Humanitarian Services (ICODEHS-Liberia) has officially announced the first edition of its annual conference to take place in Brewerville City on this!-->…
Corruption Rocks 1st UMC?
The First United Methodist Church (UMC) in Monrovia is reportedly rocked with corruption as US$16, 000 out of over some US$23, 000 raised for the purchase of land to be used as cemetery for!-->…