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Weah Names Several In Gov’t
President George Manneh Weah has made additional appointments in government. The appointments affecting ministries, agencies and commissions as well as the University of Liberia (UL) take!-->…
Reporters Assoc. Elects New Officers
The Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL) on Saturday, October 19, 2019, elected a corps of officers to steer the affairs of the Association for 3 years. The elections which was held at!-->!-->!-->…
Drama At House Closing -Lawmakers Chant War, Economic Crimes Court; Threaten…
By Edwin G. Wandah Several lawmakers who are opting for the establishment of a War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia on Wednesday protested that the plenary is delaying the passage of!-->…
ANC, UP Condemn Closure of Roots FM
Two opposition parties- the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and Unity Party have condemned the closure of ROOTS FM owned And operated by Henry Costa. In press release issued yesterday,!-->…
NEC Declares PUP Watson Winner, But
National Elections Commission (NEC) has declared the People's Unification Party (PUP's) Candidate, Victor Varney Watson, the winner of the Saturday, October 5, Senatorial by-election in!-->…
Two Lawmakers Differ On War Crimes Court
Two lawmakers, Samuel G. Kogar of Nimba County District #5 and Rustolnyn S. Dennis of Electoral District #4, Montserrado County have had some bitter exchanges over a resolution calling for!-->…
Senate Rejects Request To Print Money
By Alex Yomah The Liberian Senate has rejected a request from the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) through President George Weah to print L$35 billion intended to replace all!-->!-->!-->…
In G’ Cape Mt By-Elections: PUP Candidate Gets Early Lead
Preliminary results from 103 precincts tallied out of the 171 polling places in Grand Cape Mount County suggest that the People's Unification Party's candidate, Victor Varney Watson, is!-->…
President Weah Asks Lawmakers To Extend Session Until Tomorrow
The President of the Republic of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, has issued a Proclamation for the 54th Legislature to extend the Second Regular Session for a period of one week beginning!-->…
House Passes Budget
By Edwin G. Wandah The Plenary of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, October 1, passed the Draft National Budget for fiscal year 2019-2020. The budget had been with the House!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…