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BWI Board Chairperson Gets Reelected


The former Deputy Minister for Rural Development and Community Serveries at the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) during the former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Administration, Jackson J. Paye has been elected as Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI).
Governor Jackson J. Paye who previously served as Chairperson of the BWI Board of Governors is the President and Chief Executive officer (CEO) of the JJP & Associate Design & Construction, Liberia Inc. has been reelected based on the diligent services he rendered to the institution at the time.
According to a release signed by Attorney Harris Fomba Tarnue, Principal and Executive Officer (EO) of BWI and Secretary to the Board of Governors stated that “In furtherance of the decision of the Board of Governors on the ongoing election of its new Board Chairperson to replace Governor John S. Youboty who resigned five months ago based on his private and other engagements and that he desires not to stand in the way of progress and gains that have been made by the administration, the decision of the BOGs to declare the only nominated contestant at the meeting of August 27, 2021 at the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town as Chairperson were we to receive no other nomination via whatsapp, chartroom of the board after one week from the meeting date.”
It continued “that Today September 11, 2021 makes it 15 days since the said decision was reached; and it is now therefore established by the non-nomination of any other contestant that the lone nominated contestant, Governor Jackson J. Paye having been nominated by Governor Kenneth Y. Best is hereby elected on ‘White Ballot’ as was pronounced by the presiding chairperson, Governor Professor D. Ansu Sonii, Minister of Education (MOE) and member Ex-officio BWI Board of Governors.”
This was done by the authority of the Board of Governors at its meeting of August 27, 2021 convened on the 3rd Floor Conference Room, Ministry of Labor, Ministerial Complex, Congo Town.
In a brief statement, the newly elected Chairperson of the BWI Board of Governors, Governor Jackson J. Paye acknowledged with thanks and appreciation to members of the Board of Governors for his preferment saying that he is profoundly humbled and looks forward to working with all aims at promoting and propagating the interest of BWI.
Governor Jackson J. Paye is a member of the BWI Alumni Association (BWIAA) and he has served in many capacities in Government and private sectors as, Assistant Minister for Civil Works, Ministry of National Defense (MOD) at which time he supervised the construction of airfields in the rural parts of the country during President William R. Tolbert’s Administration and later rose to become Deputy Minister in the same ministry. He also served as the first Superintendent of Nimba County during the administration of slain President Samuel K. Doe’s regime respectively.

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