It is nearly a month and President Joseph Boakai’s cabinet is yet to be completed.
Members of his Unity Party are becoming disorderly in public glare over his early pick of who oversees the affairs of the State thereby prompting his circumspection.
It is increasingly being noticed by some citizens that his snail-paced nominations may have a negative impact on his first 100 days deliverable.
President Boakai, who was elected on the mantra of rescuing the country from the Coalition of Democratic Change (CDC), whom he and his campaign team branded as bunch of alleged criminals, dishonest and self-seeking individuals, people who allegedly masterminded the killings of some of the country’s best financial brains, the mysterious disappearance of three boys from the St. Moses Funeral Parlors in Gardnerville, among others, is yet to set in motion his plans to rescue the country.
It is well observed by many locals and international partners that while the President has to appoint more than 2,000 persons, just 55 persons have been named to various positions, with over 1,500 more.
They think that by now, the President should have named at least half of his cabinet to begin rolling out his ARREST agenda for the development of the country beginning with roads.
Ernest Barclay of Monrovia observed that Madam Sirleaf named up to 50 percent of her key cabinet member to jump start the running of her government, advising, “The old man needs to name key ministers to start his government running if he wants to succeed, or he will be putting teeth in his enemies’ mouths to chew him.”
Barclay believes that Boakai is being discreet on his appointment by wanting to bring in the best brains as he has promised, but the country cannot be on ‘standby mode’ forever.
“We voted for Boakai because we believed that he would have started running things on his first day in office, but with all this care he wants to put on the nomination, I think he is heading to failure and it’s too soon to judge. It is better he starts with the ones on hand, while he investigates those he wants to import,” Barclay cautioned.
While many citizens are concerned over the slow pace of the Boakai government, others see it as the President’s way of scouting people he believes will help him adequately implement his agenda for the country.
Mariam Fofana said, “Boakai promised to give us people who we will trust to rescue this country. So, for me, it is too early for people to think that he will fail. This is a people-centered government, so, it will not fail. We should all rally our support and work with the President for all our own benefits.”
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