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Amie Norman Impersonates As LNRCS Sales Agent


Amie Norman, a resident of Doe Community, is said to be a local and an unlicensed drug seller but the Liberia National Red Cross Society has reported that she is impersonating as its sales agent.
“We are not involved in such an illegal business that Amie Norman and people like her are trading in the name of the Red Cross and we encourage the public to report to the Police any black baggers or local drug sellers claiming to be sale agents for the Liberian Red Cross,” the Red Cross stated.
Ms. Norman is selling assorted drugs in a black bag, unprofessionally claiming to treat infection, pain, sexual weakness and other health complications.
The Liberian National Red Cross Society has strongly warned all those involved in such criminal business to desist immediately as such crime is punishable by law and anyone caught will be prosecuted.
The Society therefore warns members of the public against the purchase of drugs from black baggers in the streets and communities in the name of being a Red Cross sales agent.
“We would like to also emphasize that Liberian Red Cross is not involved in the sale of drugs in the streets or communities in buckets or black bags. While we support the health and well-being of people and communities, we deliver better clinical services only at our clinic on Lynch Street where we have professional nurses, PA, midwives, and other trained health workers who carry out proper screening and laboratory examination before diagnosis and prescription are made and our medications are provided directly from our clinic’s pharmacy to our patients,” the LNRCS stated.

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