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AFL Pesents Preliminary Report On Rape Case


The Military Police Unit of the Armed Forces Liberia (AFL) has presented preliminary report on the allegation of rape brought against a senior officer in the office of the Chief of Staff.
However, the investigation continues because the initial report revealed the absence of the complainant who is yet to arrive in the country from Temporary Duty of the Year (TDY) in Mali.
The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) assures the general public that it remains a “Force for Good” in serving the people of Liberia, as it will continue to update the public on a timely basis.
The AFL High Command on April 29, 2021 relieved Lieutenant Colonel Nyankun E. Williams off his post as Commandant of the Armed Forces Training Command (AFTC) on an allegation of rape and forwarded him to the Military Police to face investigation.
The Military Police should have concluded the said investigation yesterday, May 10, 2021 and submit its findings to the AFL High Command for further actions.
According to a release from the Assistant Minister for Public Affairs, Sam K. Collins on April 26, 2021, Sergeant Obento Roberts, who is presently serving the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Mali was recalled to aid the Military Police in the investigation after he formally complained Lieutenant Colonel Williams of having sexual intercourse with his 16 years old daughter.

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