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AFELL Embarks On Strengthening Access To Justice …To Represent 111 Requestors In Bong


The Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) has embarked on a project aimed at ensuring access to information for requestors that were denied information from various public and private institutions in Bong County under the appeal process of the FOIA.

Since the passage of the Freedom of Information Act of 2010 (FOIA), receiving access to information remains a challenge.

However, AFELL has directed its efforts towards strengthening the Rule of Law, engendering human rights polices and stimulating fights on social issues, specifically within the context of the rights of Access to information, ”a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of Liberia.”

Over 111 requestors from Bong County have allegedly been denied access to information from public authorities and private entities to which the act applies.

The principle of the FOIA is “that Public bodies hold information not for themselves but as agents of the public custodians of the public good.”

The law further provides that the public has “the right to request and receive information from public institution and further that no limitation shall be placed on the public right to be informed”, as long as it is not information exempted under the law. 

AFELL said it has taken seize of the appeal process by representing the 111 requestors from Bong County and further calls on the public authorities concerned to straightly adhere to the FOIA by promptly providing the information requested. 

According to the Association, the information received will help the requestors in making significant decisions from an informed position about their government and community.

AFELL further emphasized that the enforcement of the law is cardinal to holding government authorities accountable for their action and to elevate trust in public officials.

AFELL therefore appreciates public authorities that have promptly responded in accordance with the law so far.

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