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Legislators Bag US$30,000 Each …As Legislature Begs China For Stationery

By Alex Yomah
The Liberian Legislature under the watch of Pro-temp Albert Chie and Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers who had earlier begged the People’s Republic of China to aid the legislature with stationery materials including computers will smile now because what they begged for, have arrived in the country.
Chambers and Chie indicated that they implored China using their bilateral ties with government to aid the legislature.
The Secretary of the Senate, J. Nanborlor F. Singbeh, told reporters that the Senate is in dire need of those donated materials.
According to him, the stationeries received are essential for Central Administration and other departments.
The free stationeries and computers and other materials arrived barely two weeks when members of the legislature had received US$30,000.00 each for legislative engagements.
Political pundits described the legislature as a bunch of leaders living below Liberians’ expectations.
The People’s Republic of China through HEBEI MACHINERY IMPORT & EXPORT Co. LTD on yesterday donated several items to the Liberian Senate in order to facilitate the smooth operations of the August Body.
The items include fifteen (15) Desktop Computers, ten (10) Laptops, nine (9) Monochrome Laser Printers, one (1) Monochrome Copier and one (1) Projector. They were delivered to the Liberian Senate through the Secretary of the Senate yesterday, August 4, 2021 at the grounds of the Capitol Building.
Meanwhile, receiving the donation on behalf of the Liberian Senate, Nanborlor F. Singbeh, Sr., and Secretary of the Senate expressed thanks and appreciation to China Aid and said the equipment will be used to facilitate operations of needy departments in the Senate and enhance the adequate operations of the Senate.
Speaking to reporters briefly after the receipt of the donation, the Secretary of the Senate put the worth of the items which he said were being negotiated as far back as 2019 at Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand (250,000) RMB YUAN, which is equivalent to United States Dollars component of Thirty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (US$37,500.00).
According to the Senate Secretary, the various items received will be used for their intended purposes.
China has been one of the true partners to the Liberian Legislature, especially in the areas of infrastructural development and human resource capacity.
In 2018, two annexes at the Legislature were officially dedicated by President George M. Weah.
The modern structures were constructed through China Aid amounting to approximately US$ 12.9m as part of the Legislative modernization Program.

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