The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

Public Works Moves On Bushrod Island

President George Manneh Weah has urged the ever-agile Public Works Minister, Mabutu Nyenpan, to take heart and accelerate the pace of the rehabilitation and reconstruction works of roads across the country for economic viability and also access to farm to market roads in Liberia.
According to the University of Liberia trained ace-Civil Engineer, Minister Nyenpan, the President made the passionate call while on impromptu roads assessment tours YESTERDAY on the Bushrod Island especially; and other works like the Mamba Point and the Banjor Roads under construction to be completed respectively.
Minister Nyenpan added that the stretch between Jamaica Road and the entrance to the Somalia Drive from Monrovia would be closed to vehicular traffic as of 10 a.m. to about 5:30 p.m. today, in line with President Weah’s mandate to have that portion of road completed by Friday, December 25, 2020.
The Politician Senator turned altruistic and compassionate Public Works Minister said a lot of premium is placed on the Bushrod Island Road corridor because, not only does it have important installations and huge business investments; but it also serves as an international road conduit to Sierra Leone, Guinea and the Ivory Coast.
Minister Mabutu Nyepan disclosed that the first phase of the potential concrete road between Vai Town and the St.Paul Bridge will cost about one point eight million dollars.
(center) Minister Mabutu Nyenpan and employees working on the Bushrod Island Road

He said the stretch between Jamaica road and the entrance to the Somalia Drive from Monrovia, would be closed to vehicular traffic as of 10 a.m. to about 5:30 p.m. today for serious work, in line with President Weah’s mandate to have construction works expedited and completed by Friday, December 25, 2020.
The Minster said the first phase would witness the construction of a concrete pavement; whereas phase two, which cost is still being worked out will be asphalt in nature.
The Minister said that businesses whose structures have blocked the drainage S
President’s albeit impromptu but timely visit to the roads construction field of play.
It can be recalled that after a visit to Japan early this year, Minister Mabutu Nyenpan divulged that the Liberian Government is still in talks with the Japanese to reconstruct the stretch of Bushrod Island Road, from Vai Town to the St. Paul Bridge Community Bridge in the Duala belt, cost-free, after the completion of the Somalia Drive Road; now shrewdly renamed the Japanese Drive.
No sooner had the Public Works Ministry Chief disclosed the good news, then nature resolved to put that stretch of road in a more deplorable condition; especially between the National Port Authority (NPA) or “Freeport” and the esteemed Faith Healing Temple of JESUS Christ, Inc., alias “Mother Dukuly Church” adjacent to a famous Town called Balema; a stone’s throw from Jamaica Road Junction.
Two semi-rivers evolved as a result of torrential rainfall recently. The depth was intermittently about three and three and the half feet plus. Many sedan-styled vehicles found it difficult to escape the baptism of their interior.
So the floor of the cars got wet; whereas drivers of Keh-Kehs & Pehn-Pehns risked the safety of their passengers because they either got wet partially; and like a bolt from the blues, got dirty-watered baptized in the tea-milk-like -coloured rivers.
One Passenger had said that the locations of the rivers were cogent because “the Freeport makes plenty money to help her Public Works friend solve his problem” thereby contributing to the Public Works Ministry as one of the panaceas and another added, “oh as for the Faith Healing Temple…pa, Mot Dukuly said the LORD said that it is the “Covenant between GOD and the People of Liberia and so the Prayer Circle (The Praying Arm of the Church) would be prevailed upon to intercede for a massive challenge to Minister Mabutu Nyepan and crew at the Public Works Ministry for a quick solution to the ever deteriorating condition on the Island which is an international route to the Republic of Sierra Leone and hosts many big businesses.

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