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Starz University Graduates 151 Students

By William U.B. Lloyd Jr.
The Starz University, in observance of its Fourth Graduation Convocation, over the weekend graduated 151 students in a rather colorful euphoric occasion.
Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin, Former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Liberia who was the Commencement Speaker praised the graduates for braving the academic storm at a time when the Convid-19 is a serious global threat. He said members of the Class have the honor to share their graduation with the commemoration of a decade of transformation, change, and excellence of Starz University.See below the full text of Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin:Mr. President The Chairman and Members of the Board of Trustees of Starz University Vice Presidents of the University President of the Alumni Association Faculty and Staff The Graduating Class of 2020 Families, love ones and friends of the graduates Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today, we celebrate the great success of 151 young Liberians for their academic achievement. Members of this Class have the honor today to share their graduation with the commemoration of a decade of transformation, change, and excellence of Starz University. We congratulate you!

This great event today was meant to have traditionally been held at a venue where we can all gather in person to recognize these outstanding accomplishments. However, today we stand at the moment of a great global health crisis – the COVID 19 pandemic. While we celebrate today, we remember the more than 400,000 people around the world who have succumbed to the virus.

Despite this time of involuntary limited human contacts, thanks to technological advancement, that virtual space can be created for us to continue to engage.

Since today’s convocation coincides with the tenth anniversary of this University, I ask you all to join me in congratulating our dear friend, Mr. Latim Dethong, whose vision and dedication propelled the evolution of this University over the last decade. Latim has inspired all of us by dedicating his life’s work to promote quality education in Liberia, through Starz University, to empower generation of today and those after us. We thank you Latim; for you have made us all proud.

We also honor the President and the entire leadership and staff of this University, for driving this great vision. We celebrate all of you today, as you renew your dedication to the mission of providing quality and useful education to those who shape Liberia’s future.

I take this time to appreciate the families and friends that supported these graduates, and I thank the instructional and administrative staff, and all others who have been instrumental in making this day possible. Today, you share in the success that we celebrate, because it has been your prayers, resources and time that have brought forth this accomplishment. While we laud you all for this achievement, we also caution you, that this is just half-way of the long journey of academic success for these graduates.

Mr. President and the graduating Class, I express profound thanks and appreciation for the opportunity to share this very special occasion with you all, and to share my thoughts on the theme of this occasion: “Celebrating Academic Excellence”, and I would add, “Taking Stock For a Renewed Future”.

As Starz University has begun doing, it is incumbent on all educational institutions across this nation to be intentional and conscious of their role in shaping the future direction of our country. These institutions should be progressive in responding to the needs of society, by building a positive mindset that promotes hard work, honesty, and objectivity. Beyond the traditional curriculum, high schools and universities should be required to include civic responsibility, integrity and entrepreneurship courses in their curricula. Lecturers should not be only hired on the basis of academic qualification, but also for their ability to inspire their students to adopt positive attitudes and bring to innovation to the classroom. Lecturers should equip their students with the ability to find real life solutions and build self confidence in such a way that promotes big dreams and energizes them to boldly and fearlessly confront the future.

If our Universities fail to adopt new approaches to educating our youth, they will produce graduates who tolerate mediocrity and conditions that weight heavily on society, because they are not trained to be problem solvers.

When you the graduates embarked on this academic journey few years ago, many of you were grappling with the fact that you were not sure of what to expect, and when this study period was going to come to an end. But here we all are today, gathered in honor of your work, your tenacity, and your outstanding dedication and courage.

Today, you face that same mixed feeling as when you first started this journey. The mixed emotion of excitement and fear that come is when we turn off one’s road in their life and on to another. The only difference this time is that for some of you, this is the end of your official academic journey, while for others; the journey goes on to another level. Today marks a turning point for many of you, not because degrees are being conferred on you, but that you are headed out there into the real world.
You graduate today at a difficult and rapidly changing time, when our country is challenged.

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