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Civil Society Network Condemns LDEA Bosses Feud, But…

The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) condemns the consistent altercations between the suspended Director General of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA), Abraham Kromah and his two suspended deputies, Hassan Fadiga and Gbawuo Kowou.
The network said the suspension of the Director General along with his deputies is ill-advised and unfortunate adding, “As provided for in leadership maxim, the boss is the boss.”
It stated that the suspension of the boss along with his deputies is a poor administrative decision that has the proclivity to cause other appointed junior officials at ministries, agencies and commissions of government to exhibit acts of disrespect and disregard towards their bosses.
The incident, which erupted after the suspended Deputy Director for Operations, Fadiga circulated on social media that there is no Zombie Drug in Liberia, in public disagreement to his boss, Kromah’s announcement about the presence of the “zombie drug” amount to gross insubordination and anti-administrative practices.
Investigations conducted by the Civil Society Network on the operations of the LDEA, under the new management team showed consistent acts of insubordination and public disagreements from Fadiga and Gbawuo Kowou against their boss.
“It is utterly ridiculous and anti-administrative for Fadiga and Kowou to continuously get embroiled into public disagreements with their boss,” the network expressed.
On Monday, April 15, 2024, Fadiga publicly walked out of a staff meeting convened by Kromah at the Office on grounds that he did not want to hear what his boss had to say.
The network said, “The act of taking onto social media to rubbish or dismiss the presence of zombie drug in Liberia, contrary to Kromah’s statement, Fadiga undermined his boss and this brought the trust and credibility of the LDEA into question.”
“It is disingenuous for Kromah to have been suspended along with his deputies, when his character is replete with unmatched positive track record of respect to his bosses,” it further noted.
The CSNL said reviewing Kromah’s record of service in the security sector, it shows that he has always shown respect for his bosses and coworkers, especially when he served as Chief of the Arm Forces of Liberia; the Maritime Commission and the Deputy for Operations at the Liberia National Police.
Considering the critical roles of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency in combating drugs and clamping down on drugs traffickers, the Civil Society Network of Liberia condemns the acts of insubordination that Mr. Fadiga and Mr. Kowou continue to render their boss at the agency.
However, the network is calling on President Joseph Boakai to reinstate Kromah and dismiss Fadiga and Kowou for acts of insubordination, disrespect and anti-administrative posturing noting, “We strongly believe that dismissing Fadiga and Kowou will restore calm and stability at the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency. Given the national security threat that the trafficking and abuse of narcotic substances pose to the existence of Liberians and its people, we are of the strongest conviction that the LDEA under a cordial and robust management team, headed by Kromah will ensure the Boakai-led Government succeed in the war against drugs, as captured in its ARREST Agenda.”
On Tuesday, President, with immediate effect, suspended Kromah, Kowou and Fadiga naming Christopher Peters as Officer-in-Charge (OIC).
In a statement signed by the Deputy Minister of State for Public Affairs, Anthony Kesselly, their suspension takes immediate effect and without pay, pending investigation.
The President ordered an investigation of the occurring events which he termed as “Acts of disorder and chaos that took place at the headquarters of the LDEA were unacceptable and that such acts threaten public peace and undermine the Government’s fight against illicit drugs.”
The LDEA has been engulfed with infighting and acrimonious claims and counterclaims orchestrated by the top three officials with Director Kromah on one side and his deputies on the other side.
This infighting reached its peak on Monday when a violent altercation erupted between Kromah and Fadiga, leading to the prompt intervention of Gregory Coleman, the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, before the situation was brought under control.
Fadiga and Kowou is accused of making damaging allegations against Kromah in a letter to Justice Minister Oswald Tweh wherein they, among other things, alleged that Kromah is shielding drug lords, employing his kinsmen and training ex-combatants outside of the LDEA established protocols.
According to them, Kromah’s alleged actions have resulted to the United States Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime withdrawing their support to the LDEA.
The conflict extended to involve their loyal officers, further escalating the situation.
Police Inspector General Gregory Coleman had to step in to end the fight between the two top officials.
In the meantime, following the incident, Kromah and Fadiga have been summoned for investigation by the Police.

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