The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

‘Black Monday’ For
Princess Cooper’s Justice
…As Police Release Preliminary Findings

A nation-wide community protest has been planned for today, Monday March 28, 2022 dubbed ‘Black Monday March’ in protest of justice for the late Princess Cooper.
According to the itinerary, the protesters will be at every main junction in their community dressed up in black with a sign ‘Justice for Princess Cooper’ beginning at 8:00 A.M to 5P.M each day.
The direction for example is those in the New Georgia and Chocolate City Communities are to assemble at the New Georgia Junction while those in the Caldwell area will gather at the Caldwell Junction.
New Kru Town and Bong Mines Bridge community protesters will assemble at the Point 4 Junction and those in the Freeport area will be at the main intersections leading to the Japan Freeway.
Those in the Gardnersville community will be at the Gardnersville Supermarket; Stephen Tolbert Estate residents will be at the Stephen Tolbert Estate Junction while some will be at the Duport Road Junction, the Police Academy Junction and those in the Red Light and Pipeline Communities will gather at the Old Red-light Market.
ELWA Community, King Gray and AB Tolbert Road residents will be at the ELWA Junction; Rehab Junction and those from Jacob Town and Black Gina Communities will be at the St. Francis Junction.
The SKD Boulevard Community and 72nd area protesters will meet at the SKD Boulevard Junction and the Old road community residents will be at the Catholic Junction while those in 1st to 24th Street Sinkor and adjoining communities will move at the Tubman Boulevard Main Street of their various location
Those from the Capital By-pass and Jallah Town communities will be seen at the former Gender Ministry location at the traffic lights while the Central Monrovia, Mamba Point, Water side, Camp Johnson Road residents will assemble at the US Embassy in Mamba Point.
Meanwhile every other county in Liberia are encouraged to part take in the protest on the main streets in their communities
A group referring to itself as the Masses Association Of Liberia (MAOL) said the masses must be able to conduct their work in freedom and safe from physical harm and mistreatments.
The MAOL said it shall remain in pursuit of the masse’s life’s matter adding, “We will jealously protect this great interest of the dejected masses of our people because they are a member of us, and adoring the legacy upon which we have a duty-bounded commitment, we shall never compromise the interest of the people.
MAOL therefore called on the Ministry of Justice to take the investigation grave if they have been playing with any other investigation adding, “It shouldn’t be this because the death of our member is paining us.”
As more calls are being directed for justice, the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry Justice, has requested the immediate conduct of an autopsy on the bodies of Princess Cooper and Melvin Togba in order to establish what led to their deaths.
Ms. Cooper was discovered dead on March 24, 2022 at the ELWA intersection in Paynesvile, in a compound believed to be owned by the Fawaz Building Materials Store; while Mr. Togba was found dead in his bedroom in Jallah Town the same day.
Although an initial report by the police coroner and forensic team is available, the conduct of an autopsy will help establish the actual cause of deaths.
Liberian pathologists Benedict S. Kolee and Zoebon K. Kparteh have therefore been asked to carry out independent post-mortem examinations on the remains of the two.
The government conveys its deepest sympathy to the families of the deceased and assures them of a speedy investigation.
However, the Liberia National Police has released preliminary findings in the two mysterious deaths.
According to the police, on March 24, 2022 at 6 P.M., LNP investigators were informed of Togba, 36, who was observed lying in his room with minor bruises on his face and leg.
“Our team immediately responded to the scene and conducted physical examination of the body. The deceased was observed lying on his bed with no stabbing wound or laceration on his body,” LNP Investigators stated.
The team also observed that there was no breakage of the deceased’s room. He was then rushed to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center where he was pronounced dead by doctors on duty.
The remains of the deceased was deposited at the JFK Morgue for preservation, while investigation is continuing in establishing facts and circumstances which led to his death.
While on the same day but earlier, at 2 P.M., Police investigators were informed of the discovery Princess Cooper, 25, a resident of the Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Community.
“Our team of investigators immediately rushed to the scene and discovered the deceased lying in a pool of blood which oozed from her mouth and nose. A physical examination conducted established no laceration and bruises on her body,” LNP Investigators stated.
“She was immediately rushed to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead by doctors on duty. Her remains was deposited at the JFK Morgue for preservation while investigation continues in establishing facts and circumstances surrounding her death,” the investigators reported.
The police revealed that three private security guards are currently undergoing interrogation while residents of the FAWAZ Compound, as well as employees of the company who were present in the compound before and during the incident are all being considered as Persons of Interests to assist with the investigation.

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