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3Years Financial Management Strategy In Wing


The Assistant Finance Minister for Expenditure-designate, Dede Sandimani, has disclosed that a strong public financial management, fiscal management and budget implementation across spending entities will lead to serious economic growth and development.
The Minister-designate spoke yesterday, April 18, 2024, at the opening of a two-day workshop of Liberia Technical Assistance Mission support to develop the implementation plan of public financial management strategy for 2023-2026.
The two-day workshop is geared towards key public financial management discussion, agreed action plan, milestones achieved from 2017 -2020 reform, challenges, outstanding issues and a proposed implementation plan for the 2023-2026 PFMRSAP strategy.
The training is being sponsored by the IMFAFRITAC WEST 2 based in Accra Ghana and is expected to run from April 17-18, 2024, in Monrovia.
According to him, AFRITAC delegation to Liberia remain a long-standing partner to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning in terms of reforms, and said, “They remain a long-standing partner to MFDP in term of reform where they taught us about the TSA, CASH management and so on.’’
He thanked the delegation for a strong working relationship and commitment over the years and encouraged all participants from spending entities to remain focused, asked the necessary questions and fine solutions to the implementation of the strategic plan.
The Coordinator of Public Financial Management Reforms Coordination Unit, Joseph K. Fahnbulleh reaffirmed a strong commitment and working relationship with ministries and agencies to implement the Public Financial Management strategy for 2023-2026.
The structure of the strategy is built around nine thematic areas of (TAS) focusing on reviewing and updating all the acts and other legal instruments by providing a clearer structure of authority, responsibility and accountability within the PFM system.
He noted that the Public Financial Management strategy should align with the national development plan by identifying and document relationships amongst activities and praised the lead facilitator and his team for the effort and commitment to share knowledge when the need arises.

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