By Precious D. Freeman
Two employees of the Ministry of Transport (MoT) assigned in the division of Meteorology recently returned to the country with master’s degrees in climate change and sustainable development studies at the AGRHYMET regional center of excellence based in Niamey, Niger.
The studies were sponsored by the European Union through the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus Project (GCCA+).
Princess Mary Tarpeh and Spencer S. Taylor Jr. were among students from ten West African countries comprising of Liberia, Niger, Mali, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Benin, Guinea, Chad and Togo who attended the fifth master’s class of 2020\2021 at the AGHYMET regional center.
Speaking at a press conference, the Minister for Transport, Samuel Wlue mentioned that among the ten countries Liberia was ranked second based on the excellent academic performance of Spencer S. Taylor, Jr. while princess Mary Tarpeh ranked seventh.
Minister Wlue explained that the university presented an award to Mr. Tarpeh on behalf of Liberia for his outstanding performance which was officially presented on Monday, January 3, 2022 by the Director of Human Resource, Hannah Gweh Sheriff of the Ministry of Transport.
At the same time, Minister Wlue congratulated the employees for the award and urged them to utilize the knowledge learned to transform the Meteorology sector of Liberia as well as promised to well-place them in the Ministry based on their area of studies to help move the Ministry forward.
Also speaking, Spencer S. Taylor, Jr. thanked Minister Wlue for affording them the opportunity and the entire work force for their support during their studies abroad and described the award as a victory for the Ministry of Transport and Liberia at large.

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