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Youth Minister Unveils TVET Plans


The Minister for Youth and Sports, Jeror Cole Bangalu, revealed government plans to a free access of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) policy for youths.
According to him, they recruited 178 at-risk youths; currently, 127 youths are expected to graduate because they passed the urine drugs test.
He stressed that the program’s aim is to empower and improve the livelihood of at-risk youths through skills training, and not just to train them and leave them, but government should also give them training packages containing materials to start with within their specialties of learning, including working places and one-year rent payments.
He used the medium to point out the difficulties employees are faced with using the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex (SKD) basement as an office space, noting that it was not intended for that purpose.
He further explained that the SKD Sports Complex is an over 40 building, thanking the Chinese for maintenance, but stressed that it is not enough, as the offices have leakages, since the installation of the SKD bucket seats, and when there is no current, it is impossible to work because everywhere gets dark and the two generators they have are expensive to operate.

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