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Words Are Cheap; Character is Expensive –ALDP’s Leader Exerts


The Political Leader of All Liberia Destiny Party (ALDP) Jacob Seyon Kwateh has urged Liberians to stop being fooled by what politicians say, but rather test or examine the characters of those who want to take public office.

“Words are cheap; but character is expensive. So if you want to know a true leader test or examine his character. So I want you to test my character and not just what I say to you,” the ALDP leader said.

He added that is easy for people to fool you or lie to you with their words but it is not easy for those people to hide their characters, that is the most important reason why electorates should examine or research politicians characters before voting them into public offices. 

With the phrase “Do Not Try US,” Kwateh pointed out that during his leadership should he wins the presidency; accountability will reign from the Executive Mansion to the streets sweepers; and there will be no impunity or shielding of corrupt government officials.

 “Because it is time to shape our paradigm from the old order of thinking to new order of thinking. There is no time to waste forks. The world is not waiting for us; nobody is waiting for us,” he noted.

“We are the first independent country in Africa; first means you should lead for people to follow but how many countries are following us? When other countries like Ghana are making headway in technology, shooting satellite in space we are still here apportioning light (electricity). When some communities receive in the evening the others are in darkness waiting for their turn,” he said with frustration.

According to him for Liberia to move forward, the country needs a leader with real love for the people, because if a leader loves his people he will pay them and on time, if he loves his country he will not steal from but will do every to protect its image and the citizens.

“America is great not only because they have one of the best army; America is great not only because have one of best economy: America is great not only because they exercise strong political influence in the world. America is great because of one word LOVE,” Kwateh added.

“The Americans love America, I live there and I know what I am saying. Liberians must emulate such love for Liberia and their fellow citizens,” the ALDP leader stressed.

He warned further that Liberians must put away the bitterness, hate and disunity because such traits are retarding the progress of the nation.

The eloquent young politician made the disclosure while addressing a group of Liberians during one of his acquaintances visit to District 4 in Duport Road recently.     

In a very short period of time the audience was captivated by his honesty, simplicity and sincerity vowing to support him in his endeavor to emancipated Liberia.  

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