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Women Empowerment Center Holds 5th Graduation Ceremony


A local women capacity development institution dubbed “Queen Jerry Catering and women Empowerment Center” has conducted its fifth graduation ceremony in the Township of Caldwell.

The career development and skills training program graduated sixty young and potential women strictly in practical training in four disciplines namely; catering, tailoring, pastry, interior decoration and baking.

During the weekend at the Light of Life Revelatory Ministry in Coldwell the operators of institution called on the general public for needed assistance in order to keep the program running to continue impacting the life of citizens in the country.

The CEO of the Queen Jerry Catering and Women Empowerment Center Jerry Jerry S. Kendema said the program was initiated in 2022 when an observation was done on women becoming disadvantaged daily because they lack basic skills.

He revealed that the vision opened to gather young women, irrespective of their background ethnicity or educational status to mold their minds for opportunities to advance their lives for societal growth and development.

According to him, since the establishment of the institution, many young people had taken advantage of the services offered to acquire skills benefiting them and their families respectively.

“We have graduated over 100 students from the program that are proud of the knowledge they obtained and they can boast of it anywhere. We run straightly practical programs focused on helping women and girls that are not lettered and in order to keep on making these impacts we need assistance at all levels,” he stressed.

He maintained that the program needs financial and logistical supports for the continuous running of the capacity building of women in Caldwell and its surroundings through other skills training.

Serving as guest speaker for the school’s fifth graduation ceremony, the Managing Director of the National Housing Authority, Cecelia Cuffy Brown motivated the women to make maximum use of the skills acquired during their stay at the center.

Cuffy Brown narrated insightful stories to be used as life’s lesson of how people most especially Christians should move into the world, making meaningful impacts despite challenges that could confront them.

She then urged the graduates to put into practice the lessons learned from the class so that the true meaning of their studies can be actualized while calling on government through the Ministries of Education and Gender to see women empowerment in skills training as a priority.

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