By Precious D. Freeman
The West-Point Women for Health and Developmental Organization (WPWHDO), yesterday, celebrated the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based violence.
The program started with a parade and ended at the Wells-Hairston High School, bringing together several organization members from different communities and other collaborating partners, including Young Ambassador’s Network, West Point Savings Group Network, among others.
The activity, which involved drama, cultural dance, among others, was graced by lots of young girls, boys, men, and women, under the global theme: “Invest to prevent violence against women and girls.”
The project is being supported by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU), with the title: “Sensitizing Women and Girls on the Harmful Practices of FGM and Advocating for Safe Abortion Rights.”
Speaking at the occasion, the Executive Director for WPWHDO, Nelly S. Cooper, said that there is a need for violence against women to be resisted in this 21st century, because women were equally born with men.
According to her, men are not to overlook women, but should, instead, tap into their potential because women are the ones that populate the nation by bringing forth children.
She added that the 16 Days of Activism are for the elimination of violence against women and girls, aimed at creating awareness of the fact that violence against women is against human rights.
Madam Cooper maintained that women need to be respected, because whatsoever men do, women can also do, even better than them, adding that gone are those days when women were treated like slaves.
She stated further that violence against women is a threat to sustainable peace in the country, so in order to promote peace, the rights of women should be prioritized at all costs.
Madam Cooper, however, appreciated her partners for their supports in making sure that the program was a success.
She further explained that the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls, which runs every year from November 25 to December 10, in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Human Rights Day.
She added that that event was initiated in 1991 by the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute, held by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) at Rutgers University, and since then, every year from November 25 to December 10, this event is being celebrated all around the world.
For her part, the Program Coordinator for Young Ambassador’s Network, Yah Gontee, explained that the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a key international moment to call for an end to violence against women and girls. It runs from November 25 (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10th December (Human Rights Day).
She added that, in support of this campaign, the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 initiative calls for global action to increase awareness, galvanize advocacy efforts, and share knowledge and innovations to help end all types of violence against women and girls. In 2023, the UNiTE campaign theme is “Invest to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls.”
“In every country and culture, more action is needed to ensure women in all their diversity live free of violence and coercion. Health impacts of violence can last a lifetime, affecting physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health,” she said.
According to her, WHO plays a key role in bringing attention to and responding to violence against women as a public health, gender equality, and human rights issue.
She then appreciated the West Point Women for their continuous support towards all of the beneficiaries, and promised that her organization will continue to be there for them.
West Point Women for Health and Development (WPWHDO) was founded in July 2002, and is an accredited nonprofit organization based in the Township of West Point, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, that is dedicated to addressing the humanitarian needs of the community.