President George Weah has reportedly accepted the resignations of his three officials amidst their suspension and inability to exonerate themselves from pervasive corruption.
The Presidential Chief of Office Staff, Nathaniel McGill, National Port Authority (NPA) Managing Director, Bill Twehway and Solicitor General Sayma Syrenius Cephas were all cosmetically suspended last month immediately following the imposition of United States Government’s sanctions for alleged acts of corruption.

The trio’s decision to resign from government after being suspended by the President is perhaps to submit themselves before an Independent Investigation Panel void of Governmental status which apparently nobody is setting up.
They want to be given due process in court based upon the United States Treasury Department’s recent findings of corruption on their persons which they see as a mis-characterization.
In his reported letter of resignation as Chief of Staff to the President, McGill thanked his boss for the opportunity given him to serve his people but did not state in detail the reason for his resignation.
However, Cephus in a communication said his time working with Justice Minister, Musa Dean, was an experience ‘living in Hell’.
In his resignation letter to President Weah, Cephus stated that the decision to resign is based on a careful review of the smear campaign undertaken by the Minister of Justice and Attorney- General, Frank Musa Dean and his cronies against the office of the Solicitor-General and Chief Prosecutor of the Republic, as well as against his person, image and professional character, which have now been complicated by the imposition of sanctions on him by the US Treasury Department for alleged corruption, misuse of his office and the misappropriation of state and private assets.
“Frank Musa Dean ran and continues to run a “parallel government” opposed to anyone seen as your ardent supporter; he shut his office doors on me for two years, and boasted about this on OK FM; intermittently kept speech from me , and during these periods, he held press conferences, and issued countless inflammatory press releases in which he falsely accused me of running a “parallel Ministry of Justice” after incessantly failing to convince Your Excellency to have me dismissed unceremoniously without any justifiable reason.”
“I chose silence and patience as effective tools to work in this sort of unsavory environment that reduces the Ministry of Justice to Frank Musa Dean’s “private law firm” with the belief that with time and events there would have been a change of behavior and he would have ultimately realized that this was a public office but I was wrong, and today, I find myself, my life, and my future and that of my family draped in US Treasury Department sanctions lured by Dean’s ceaseless provocations,” Cephus revealed.
Though according to himself, he leaves with a fond memory of the respect and cooperation he received and enjoyed from the staff and employees including most of the prosecutors of the Department of Prosecution, he is deeply saddened and quite ruffled by the fact that he leaves at a time when he had to be on sanction.
“Excellency, the office of Solicitor-General is quite esteemed and highly venerated, and for this reason, I want to publicly thank you so much for having given me the opportunity to have served in that capacity and to have rendered manifold services to our country and people for the last four and half years. While I leave with a fond memory of the respect and cooperation I received and enjoyed from the staff and employees including most of the prosecutors of the Department of Prosecution, I am however deeply saddened and quite ruffled by the fact I am not leaving at Your Excellency’s volition, as required under Article 56 of the 1986 Constitution but under sanctions imposed by the US Treasury Department without your knowledge, and for alleged corruption and the abuse of my office falsely brought against me by Frank Musa Dean, an agent provocateur and his cronies in Your Excellency’s government. Please note that Frank Musa Dean is the head of your enemies within the government, and God willing, Your Excellency will see the evil deeds of Frank Musa Dean for yourself in time to come,” he expressed.
He said it was his thinking that an investigation would have been held in order to afford him the opportunity of a due process, so as to confront Musa Dean and his cronies but the real challenge seems to be Dean’s stealthy and scandalous campaign to invite those sanctions on him thereby making it difficult if not impossible for him to properly advise the government because Dean then would be both a witness and a judge against him.
Cephus bragged that the US Treasury Department sanction against him is not a death sentence on his life, and expects that he will be given due process, even though he have been mistakenly targeted, but there’s still life and he is glad that the truth will prevail.