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Weah’s Islamic Advisor
Calls For Unity In Africa


The Islamic Advisor to President George Weah is calling on all Muslims to foster peace, reconciliation and unity especially amongst religious groups in African countries.
Sheik Usmane T. Jalloh said though he welcomes political differences, yet in various African countries it is becoming unhealthy that some groups or individuals continue to engage in vices that have the propensity to cause disunity in their respective countries.
Jalloh who just returned from an Islamic conference in Gambia told a team of journalists that people politicize critical matters asserting that if petty political actions are not dealt with, it will be difficult for any African country to make progress.
“We will not always belong to the same political party or religion but to politicize petty actions is very unfortunate. Let’s come out and embrace each other for peace and unity for a glorious future and the betterment of Africa,” Sheik Jalloh urged.
He then disclosed that two non-governmental organizations in Turkey namely the Center for Humanitarian Activity in Africa and the Diyanet Vakifi Foundation which are constructing about 60 hand pumps valued at over US$225,000 in the 15 counties of Liberia and has now reached 75 percent completion.
The Presidential Islamic Advisor also said the Turkey NGOs will construct five additional hand pumps in each county to ensure that every one gets access to safe drinking water in Liberia.
He reported that the constructions by Turkey NGO has completed five hand pumps each in Margibi and Montserrado Counties and have already begun the construction of additional five pumps in Grand Bassa County.
Jalloh then urged Muslims and Christians in Liberia to support President Weah in order to develop the country noting that since Liberia declared her independence in 1847, no past Liberian President or government ever had Islamic Advisor except President Weah so, he called on Muslims to support the Presidency.

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