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Weah Takes Special Cabinet Meeting To G/Bassa


President George Manneh Weah is expected to preside over a Special Cabinet Meeting on Monday, April 24, 2023, in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
The meeting is expected to bring together members of his cabinet, heads of State-Owned enterprises (SOEs), autonomous agencies, and commissions.
Accordingly, the gathering will once again afford Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions (MACs) the opportunity to report on the progress they have made in achieving the Performance Targets they set at the last Cabinet Retreat that was held in Ganta, Nimba County on last year.
The cabinet reviewed the progress made over time and set new deliverable targets for the ensuing months.
The Buchanan meeting will not only take stock of gains made since that mid-2022 Retreat but will also specifically focus on President Weah’s strategic governance strides in the next 173 days.

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