The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

Weah Proclaims Rape, SGBV A National Emergency

President George Weah has issued a Proclamation describing rape and all forms of abuses against women and girls as a national emergency.
The proclamation followed a day-long meeting President George Weah held with cabinet ministers on the outcome of the validation of the roadmap which was recently presented to the Liberian leader by the inter-ministerial Anti-SGBV Taskforce.
The Roadmap which evolved from deliberations of Inter-Ministerial Taskforce and was validated by the National Anti-Rape & Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Conference held at the Ministerial Complex on September 8 – 9, 2020.
Under this national emergency, the President the appointment of a special prosecutor for rape; the setting up of a National Sex Offender Registry; the establishment of a National Security Taskforce on SGBV; the allotment of an initial amount of US$2 Million to beef up the fight against rape and SGBV as the government’s initial measures.
Speaking following the issuance of the proclamation, President Weah said his administration will spare no efforts in ensuring that the epidemic of rape and SGBV is curtailed and promised to announce additional measures subsequently including Executive Orders aimed at protecting the vulnerable and banning harmful traditional practices.
The President urged all Liberians, activist, advocates along with local and international stakeholders to work with the government in defeating the scourge of rape in the country.
Meanwhile, Senator Dillon has congratulated President Weah for Declaring Rape “National Emergency” and encourages President Weah to go beyond the declaration by taking concrete steps in creating awareness; instituting preventive measures by protecting and prosecuting perpetrators in accordance with the laws.
Senator Dillon hoped that the Declaration will not only serve as an inspiration for the country, but prepare every Liberian to fight rape and gender-based violence at all levels.

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