By Bill W. Cooper
President George M. Weah says the root causes and determinants of conflict and insecurity in the sub-region are to examined if peace, security, stability and democracy are to be sustained.
“We must utilize all conflict management mechanisms already developed by the MRU and ECOWAS to address the ongoing situation in our Sisterly Republic of Guinea, where, after the coup d’état of September 5, 2021, the Transitional Authorities are galvanizing the support of the Guinean masses in preparing that Member State for democratic elections and the resumption of constitutional order and democracy,’ President Weah urged.
He made the assertion yesterday at the start of a two-day Mano River Union (MRU) Diplomatic, Peace, Security and Democracy Conference said to be the first of its kind held at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County.
He stressed the need for African leaders to be elected constitutionally to always abide by constitutional term limits given them during a general election.
According to the President, this will guarantee political inclusion to avoid popular dissent that would stifle the smooth transition of power and stability in the sub-region.
The two-day ongoing conference which is hosted by the Liberian government of Liberia in collaboration with the MRU is to strategize in finding solution to the recent political situation in neighboring Guinea as well as sustaining peace, security, stability and democracy within the MRU.
President Weah also called on the MRU-ECOWAS collaboration to support conflict management, resolution, and political transformation in Guinea as an added impetus to the proposed revision of the ECOWAS Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance.
He added, “In the premise, I propose that a merged ECOWAS-AU-MRU Mission, supported by the United Nations Peace-building Commission and Peace-building Fund, should be established to mediate in the current Guinean transitional arrangements being undertaken to prepare Guinea for democratic elections and constitutional democracy.”
“Liberia has a natural interest in this process because of its interlinked historical, geographical, cultural, and socio-economic relationship with the People of the Republic of Guinea. Let us remain engaged with the political situation in Guinea for a smooth transition to democratic elections and the resumption of constitutional order and democracy, and we look forward to the positive, practical, and innovative outcomes of this Conference to help accelerate the transitional process towards democratic governance in Guinea,” Weah maintained.
Earlier, the MRU Secretary General, Medina A. Wesseh stated that the convening of the special session is to consider recent developments of the political situation in Guinea and engage the CNRD led by Col. Mamady Doumbia.
“It is our anticipation and expectation that the Ministers would carefully consider the delicate and yet grave concerns surrounding the removal from office a democratically elected government through extra-constitutional means,” the MRU Secretary General stated.
She added, “To date, various levels of commendation continue for the relentless efforts of the current ECOWAS chairman and President of Ghana to bring about a peaceful and amicable resolution of the matter.”
“So, we as immediate neighbors of Guinea who bear witness must welcome the pronouncements and commitment of the National Transitional Council of Guinea to restore constitutional order and return power to the people in the shortest possible time,” Madam Wesseh said.
Madam Wesseh urged the participants to take keen interest in the various pronouncements and direct their attention on the mode of engagement and determine ways and means to ensure that the NTC clear a path to the process of transition and set a timetable of free, fair and transparent election in Guinea.