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Weah-led Gov’t Threatens To Revisit GVL Agreement


By Alex Yomah

President George Manneh Weah has expressed displeasure with authorities of Golden Veroleum Palm Oil Company due to its failure to build roads and improve the livelihoods of people within its operation areas.
Speaking in Tarjuwon statutory District, Sinoe County, Weah expressed resentment, stating that it is unfair for a multi-million dollars’ worth of company like GVL to be extracting huge amount from this soil without paying anything as complementary to the community.
During a brief interactive conversation with the company, GVL authorities told President Weah that if the community allows the company to get more land, the company will produce more lights and the community will in return benefit.
Currently, the company has 19 Hectares of land that is expressed in three counties namely, Sinoe, Grand Kru and Maryland but the GVL is insisting on 60 Hectares approved by the National Legislature.
But in response, Weah said while it’s true he does not want to chase investors out of the country, but at the same time anticipates the companies operating would work in the interest of the citizenry.
“What GVL Concession is taking from this county and what the Oil Palm Company is doing for her cannot complement what has been extracted from here,” President Weah expressed displeasure with the company in Sinoe County.
President Weah said, “There is a need for his government and the company to sit and review the GVL concession. We have to go back on the table and review the GVL Concession Agreement in the interest of all parties,” he said.
“You generate electricity while our people don’t have lights and you are saying you need more land before the company can give lights to our people,” he said.
“I asked GVL too; our people live with you; look at the roads; this road has been like this since the company was established in 2010 and you are taking Palm oil, yet, the people working with you and where they live, can be paved. It does not complement what is leaving from their communities, “Weah expressed regret.
The Liberian leader said GVL cannot be transporting the raw materials from Liberia without establishing any the factory in Liberia to process the palm oil.
“We want to see the final product to be made in Liberia as well. We anticipate palm oil made in Liberia. If you have a palm oil factory, you will create more jobs for our people,” he said.
Speaking earlier, Sentor Milton Teahjay implored President Weah to begin the revision of the GVL Concession agreement so that it can meet present day’s reality.
But contrary to Senator Teahjay’s assertions to review the company’s agreement, Bishop Daniel Bordioh, presenting the Community said, they and GVL are on par in terms of developments. “Mr. President, we thank God for GVL in our county. You see all these good, good things around here; that is the work of GVL. Mr. President, let no one tell you anything bad about GVL, because it is untrue,” Mr. Bordioh said.

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