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Weah Envisions Grand Coalition As ‘Indomitable Force’


By Alex Yomah
President George Manneh Weah, and standard Bearer of the Coalition of Democratic Change (CDC), is optimistic that the six political parties who have signed the paperwork and predicted to be an indomitable Force in Liberia.
The Liberian leader made the statement over the weekend when he signed the Grand Coalition at MOVEE Headquarters; he predicted highly saying, “I am told that all six parties have each completed the necessary paperwork that has brought us to this official and public affirmation of our union.”
Weah said, “This should now pave the way for the formal consummation of this Grand Coalition document that we have all signed. Together, we will constitute a nine-member strong bloc with the singular purpose of bettering the lives of the Liberian people. I need not over-emphasize how mighty that is. Collectively, I predict that our Grand Coalition will be an indomitable force.”
“We will continue to build on existing alliances, even as we form new ones. It is my belief that a diverse union, such as the one we are signing up for today, presents varied perspectives to our body politic, which is very crucial for national development and reconciliation.” President Weah said.
The Liberian leader said, “Since I became President, I have interacted with many of the party leaders in this room. I have even had great and long-lasting inter-personal relationships with some of you. I am optimistic that this dynamic can help solidify our new relationship, as we all now go out together to work in the interest of the Liberian people.”
Meanwhile, the President of George Weah has signed into law the National Budget for the 2023 Fiscal Year following its passage into law by the Legislature.
On Monday, April 10, 2023, the Liberia Chief Executive signed the Budget of L$122,139,108,000 same being US$782,943,000.
Following months of protracted scrutiny, including public hearings, both houses of the 54th National Legislature concurred and submitted the budget to the Office of the President for signature.
Earlier, the Executive Branch of Government, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, submitted the National Budget to the Legislature as required by law.
The 2023 National Budget accounts for three separate revenue envelopes, including Tax Revenue and non-Tax Revenue as well as External Resources. Accordingly, the budget subsequently becomes law once printed into handbills.

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