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“We Have An Obligation To Help Weed Illicit Drugs” -Judge Tells Judicial Actors


The Resident Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County, Ousman F. Feika told judicial actors and a cross-section of citizens that they all have an obligation to help weed our society from illicit or harmful drugs and substances.
Judge Feika made the disclosure when he delivered his charge for the formal opening of the November 2024 A.D. term of court on Monday, November 11, 2024.
According to Judge Feika, individuals charged with drug offenses are not deemed guilty before trial as perceived by members of the public.
He added that alleged drug offenders are entitled to a fair and impartial trial like anyone else who is accused of transgressing the law.
“It is therefore my candid advice that accused drug traffickers or offenders take advantage of the court assigned their cases and have the opportunity to exonerate themselves from the charges,” judges Feika told the gathering.
“You can never exonerate yourself from a charge brought against you by law enforcement officers by refusing to come to court and putting up a strong defense in favor of your innocence,” he added.
Judge Feika said, “We therefore must enhance the rule of law and commit to a fair and impartial trial for all no matter your status in society.”
“We must all work together in ensuring that the perception of a corrupt Judiciary is simply a mere cliché, Judge Feika indicated.
He further cautioned lawyers to file their legal memorandum for the disposition of law issues and do the filing before the date of the hearing doing so, will enable us to make a determination on the law issue on the day of the hearing instead of postponing any ruling for a subsequent date.
The Grand Cape Mount county resident Judge explained that they have been having some challenges with the filing of legal memorandum by lawyers and we intend to ensure that this requirement is scrupulously adhered to going forward.
He told lawyers that he is not interested in imposing fines on them by failing to file their legal memorandum but the court is interested in the legal memorandum.
Meanwhile, members of the Grand Cape Mount Bar have maintained their President Cllr. Eugene Massaquoi and officers on a white ballot.

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