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“We Are Prepared TO Work With Weah” …Dillon Vows; Rubbishes Rep. Gray’s Claims


By Alex Yomah
Montserrado County incumbent Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon, says the Liberian Senate is prepared to work with the President in ensuring Liberia succeeds as a nation.
What seems to be an extension of an olive branch to the Presidency, the senator-elect said even though President George Weah has refused to congratulate him as senator-elect, he is ready to work along with his colleagues to ensure that Liberians get the needed developments.
The Collaborating Political Party’s (CPP) Senator who has been a fierce critic of the Weah-administration retained his seat in the Liberian Senate following a heavily contested midterm senatorial race against the ruling party’s candidate, Rep. Thomas Fallah on December 8, 2020.
Speaking on variety of issues on OK FM Morning Drive on yesterday, Senator Dillon stated that Liberia should not fall because Weah is the President for Liberia nor should the country be allowed to crumble because of the opposition but there should be a better country with Weah heading the Executive.
“We are prepared to work with President Weah by that, we will support all instruments emanating from the Executive that are in the interest of the country to sail through the Senate with no hitch,” he said.
An effort to abide and respect the rules of law, Dillon accentuated that all of the senators-elect including himself and one of the old Senators, Conmany Wesseh, have agreed to declare and publish their respective assets as required by law before the session.
Dillon vowed to inform the Legislature about plans to review the Code of Conduct aimed at repealing a proposition that says that officials desirous of contesting for public office must resign two years in advance before applying to contest.
The senator believes that the Code of Conduct was purposely organized to target politicians by then and that must be repealed by telling public officials to resign two years prior to elections.
“We will amend the law to allow public officials express their desire for elected office and allow them to resign their positions after they shall have been accepted by the National Elections Commission (NEC) as a candidate,” Dillon noted.
Meanwhile, the Montserrado County Senator rubbished District #8 Representatives, Moses Acarous Gray’s recent attack against Ministers Nathaniel McGill and Samuel Tweah.
In a disgusting manner, Dillon said Rep. Gray is not a serious person that should say something and serious people react to him, stating that he is still suffering from the pinch from the election.
Dillon said if Rep. Gray’s ruling party has won, he would not be accusing ministers of doing wrong noting, “He is battling the election defeat.
“Gray and others have not gotten over the defeat. He said if CDC does not work harder to change the story, the CDC will be defeated 2023,” Sen. Dillon reiterated.
It can be recalled that Rep. alleged that the Minister of States for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill as well as Finance Minister, Samuel Tweah Jr. of using their proximities with the Presidency to appoint their relatives to top positions who lack the requisite credentials and qualifications in Government.

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