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Watkins Graduates Over 350 Adolescent, Young Girls And Women
… Honors Cllr. Gongloe


Montserrado County, Electoral District#:10 was a place of attraction and jubilation over the weekend as the Watkins Initiative for Nations (WIN) graduated over three hundred students who are residents of the district.
WIN is a pro-democracy organization founded by Y. Solomon W. Watkins, a Liberian Journalist, now Representative Aspirant of District #:10, which is empowering thousands of Liberians within the country.
The events held over the weekend is the 14th Cohort to have graduated accounting for over three thousand Liberians who have acquired basic entrepreneur skills in the production of Chlorax, liquid soap, powder soap, tie cleaner and tie and dye materials.
The program which took placed in consecutively in the district brought together several dignitaries and grassroot leaders, including Liberia’s Presidential Aspirant Tiawan S. Gongloe and Grand Bassa County’s Senatorial Aspirant Gbehzohngar Milton Findley who served as Guest of Honor and Guest Speaker respectively during the Sunday aspect of the graduation program held at the Jubilee Praise and Worship Center.
Cllr. Tiawan S. Gongloe was presented to a certificate of recognition for his immense contribution the development, peace and prosperity of Liberia, Africa and the World through advocacy of justice for the Life betterment of all.
The district #10: Representative called on Presidential Aspirant Gongloe to remain a good man he is known to be.
“As we recognized you today, I request that you remain that good man you are. Nothing, I mean nothing absolutely should changed you from being that good person,” Hon. Watkins noted.
In response, Cllr. Gongloe appreciated the Representative Aspirant and his team for the recognition noting that award has inspiring him to keep being the person he is.
“People believe in my stance and I promised not to let them down,” Cllr. Gongloe said.
Cllr. Gongloe also used the opportunity to speak to the graduates regarding his plans when become president of Liberia. “I know you have acquired the knowledge and will be ready in the coming days to sell your products on the Liberian market… but it will interest you that we have more sellers, than buyers nowadays… this is what I want to change. I want to ensure that Liberians have money in their pockets by opening the market for companies to come in this country and establish in areas away from Monrovia … we need to decentralize investment so that people in all parts of the country can experience fullness of the sweet land of liberty…,” Cllr. Gongloe averted.
Earlier speaking as Guest Speaker, Grand Bassa County Senatorial Aspirant Findley praised the district#: 10 Representative Aspirant for being very farsighted by developing the minds of many Liberians, especially residents of Montserrado County District 10 which is Bassa dominated.
According to him, Watkins has been in advocacy since his days back in high school and university. “I know Watkins to be someone who always advocated for the interest of people. Back in his days at A.M.E Zion, I saw how he demonstrated leadership and ensure that through his advocacy many Bassa students were able to remain in school that graduated later.”
He further called on the graduates to be courageous, determined and ready to do more in bettering their lives. According to him, if the graduates could be determined to attend the training for the duration of time, they can be whoever they desired to become in life.
“Today you have taken the first step toward acquiring education to better your lives…. What you need to do now is to help others… because the more you help others, the better you become…. When I was a senator, I helped people who have earned Masters whose parents I have never seen… you need to do the same to help others if you can. For me right now, I can never go broke because of what I have done for others. If you do the same, you will help improve our Liberia,” Hon. Findley stated.
Meanwhile, two separate graduations took placed on Friday and Saturday.
The Friday event was organized for over seventy-five graduates from Islamic community within District #10 while more than 150 students graduated on Saturday from the Congo Town area of the district bulk of the graduates are residents of the Peace Island or 540 community.

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