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As Liberians listened to the inaugural speech by President Joseph Boakai, where he encouraged Liberians to unite, remain peaceful to build Liberia. Some citizens are suggesting a way forward on how Liberians can unite, remain peaceful to develop the nation.

Michael L. holder

Michael L. holder

Let me first give thanks to God for a peaceful election and a peaceful transfer of power from Weah government to Boakai government.

During the election, we saw brothers and sisters, uncles and auntie, people from the same county into serious conflict because of the interest of their various parties and its leaders. It became so bad to the point that some people lose their lives, which brought grieves and widened the division among us as families, community member and moreover, a nation. The division also extended to the county and regional levels which drew the attention of the international community. Presently, those parents who lose their children hearts are broken; we need to console them, the entire nation needs to be reconciled and only we Liberians can do it. We need to have the traditional council, religious leaders, community leaders, women and youth groups involved. I thank the president for recognizing the fact that there is no BLUE of Green Liberia. We are one people. The elections are over and we have to move on.

All religious groups who believe that peace is what we need as a Liberians to move forward, should get involved to rebuild this nation under love and unity.

I believe that if Liberia will grow, we as Liberians need to remove the negative mindset that we have for each other including our leaders and unite as one to have one idea and build Liberia.

Sabah Akoi

Sabah Akoi

I believe that we should be one, because if we come together as one, Liberia will be better, we should forget about party line, forget that I’m from CDC and she is from Unity Party so that we can work together. I believe that we should forget about politics and be one, if you wrong someone during the campaign time let leave that behind us and work together as team.

I’m a business woman, so, I’m encouraging all women who are into business to let go, because as business people, we should be united as one. For example, you can’t be selling in the market and not speaking to your friends, how do you expect me or others people to buy from you?  We need to work together to build our own lives first, because unity starts from within. So, I’m encouraging all Liberians to forget whosoever you supported during the campaign or election period and come together as one to move Liberia ahead.

David Gayffor

David Gayffor

We can unite by putting our political difference aside as individuals and come together as one Liberian. We can do this by forgetting about all the hard feelings that were created during the campaign period. We have a new president now, and so, we have a new Liberia too, So, hating each other for political reasons will not development to our country.

This country have come a long way, so we cannot keep going backward and not thinking of what to do in developing it. The betterment of this country is in our hands, this is why we have to  do our best to brighten this land.  We need to be better that other people will look at us and say yes, this country is on path like the other countries.

I’m calling upon all my citizen, whether you are from ANC, UP and DCC to come and rebuild our mother land.

Esther Saah

Esther Saah

We need peace in Liberia to move forward. So, let’s us come together and do something good to better Liberia,

I want us to forget about the past, maybe I’m from this party or you are from that party, let’s leave all that behind us and move forward. We need to have one heart and mind for each and join the team to help President Boakai to develop Liberia

We can’t be blaming all of our leaders that they working in the country’s interest, while we the citizens are killing one another common position. Let’s start from our various homes by creating love in our heart for each other, let’s not forget that we are the same people who our leaders will appoint in different positions to work and build Liberia. We should begin to look at each other as one and keep the unity to help our new administration.

Wilton Taylor

Wilton Taylor

As Liberians, we can unite by taking advantage of the opportunity of Love, which is the cornerstone to unity and, unity is one of the pillars of development as a nation.

We need to love each other as citizens, we need to unite as one people and be supportive teammates.

One way or the other, we all experience the side effects of the tribal war which set us back as a nation!

We need to redefine our root as a nation, stand strong in accordance to our nation Seal which says” The Love of Liberty brought us here”!

Love is the key! Let us love our own! Liberia is all we have… We are the people that make up Liberia, if we can’t love each other than how can we claim to love our country?

Let love and Unity rains in every home, every sector, every district, every County and in every heart! .

Joanna Morris

Joanna Morris

We have been the cause for our country not to improve in development, which trunks from our leaders down to us the common people. We can’t be seeking good and be wishing bad for others or doing bad to others. During the campaign time, citizens went against each other, several families lost their relatives in the name of politics. But today, I’m call on all of us to come together as one family and put ideas together and build this nation.

It’s often said that, the house that is always divided cannot stand, so, if we keep fighting among ourselves there is no way we will develop our beloved country. During our President speech on Monday, he said we should forget about our differences and come together as one and be peaceful. Is now that we unite and forget about the past and focus on the present and the future that is ahead us and build our country mama Liberia.

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