By Precious D. Freeman
The Secretary General of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) Bornor M. Varmah, has revealed a 10-point political manifesto or agenda for the transformation of the Liberian National Bar Association, with key priority on pursuing legal reforms to enhance access to justice, good governance and tackling corruption in the public sector.
On Thursday November 21, 2024, Cllr. Varmah, openly announced his presidential ambition for Bar in its upcoming election and also unveiled his campaign team and platforms which were graced by dozens of supporters in Monrovia.
Consistent with the Constitution of the LNBA, members of the bar are expected to converge in Gompa City, Nimba County on November 30, 2024 to participant in the 2024 Annual Convention of the LNBA to elect a new corps of officers for a three-year term.
Currently the Secretary General of the LNBA, Cllr. Varmah told a news conference that he will be contesting for the presidency of the LNBA, while disclosing a ten points agenda that he believes will transform the organization and mitigate corruption through legal reforms when elected.
“In view of the above, to support this aspiration, I and my team come today to launch our platform to eventually attract support from distinguished members of the Bar,” he disclosed.
Meanwhile, Cllr. Varmah highlighted the strengthening of legal education, legal professional development, rule of law and policy advocacy, global legal network and knowledge exchange, infrastructure development, and enhance visibility and professional growth, among others.
The Liberian legal scholar assured his colleagues that he will ensure that they advocate for the welfare of all legal professionals, including the establishment of a provident fund for lawyers and a uniformed pay grade for lawyers working in government Ministries and agencies.
Laying extensive emphasis on strengthening legal education and the rule of law and policy advocacy, he promised to advocate for the autonomy of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law and to enhance the dual legal rights system, formal and customary justice.
He promised to foster international exchange programs with law schools globally aimed at broadening the educational experience for Liberian law students as was done in past time which unveiled an opportunity to legal scholars.
“Under the rule of law and policy advocacy, we will strengthen relationship with the Judiciary, Legislative and Executive branches of government to promote and ensure effective governance. We will also work for legal reforms across the country to enhance access to justice and mitigate corruption in the public sector,” he concluded.