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ULFA Threatens Unspecified Actions Against UL Administration, If…


The leadership of the University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) Incorporated has expressed dismay over the alleged inhumane treatments accorded to its part-time colleagues by the UL Administration, headed by its president, Julius Sarwolo Nelson.
In a press release issued Thursday, January 4, 2024 in Monrovia, ULFA noted that it has regrettably exhausted every means within the reins of the State-run university to see the need to pay the part-timers, but unfortunately, there has been no clear answer from Nelson’s Administration.
“As we all know, the UL has successfully concluded the first semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, which began on July 31, 2023,” the statement under the signature of ULFA President, Edna Johnny, recounted.
The release indicated that as part of the teaching faculty, part-time colleagues signed contracts for the duration of the semester (4 months), with the first payment of two (2) months supposedly to be made after the midterm exams.
However, ULFA stressed that it has seen the wanton disregard of the provisions of the contractual agreements by the UL Administration, leading to the abuse of the self-esteem of part-timers.
“Despite promising to pay our colleagues in late December 2023 or early January 2024, along with full-time employees, our colleagues have not been paid for the entirety of the semester,” the statement disclosed.
The leadership of ULFA stressed that the reported action of Nelson and his administration is a total disregard for the welfare of its faculty colleagues, maintaining that said action has further subjected the professionals and their respective families to untold harsh economic conditions.
According to the UL Faculty Association, the alleged attitude of the UL Administration undermines the quality of teaching and learning.
At the same time, the University of Liberia Faculty Association stressed that, although it remains committed to the diplomatic resolution of issues at the institution, the association will not cease to take extreme measures to protect the welfare of the part-timers.
The leadership of ULFA further called on the UL Administration to commence the full payments of all part-time colleagues, threatening to take unspecified union actions beginning Monday, January 8, 2024 if this plight is not given the needed attention in the interest of those concerned.

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