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ULAA Urges Gov’t … To Institute Strong Measures Against The Perpetrators Of Violence, Rape And Abusers


The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA or Union) expresses deep concerns over the prevailing situations of rampant violence against children especially young girls who are experiencing rape, abuse, sexual harassment and exploitation.The Union noted that this are negatively impacting the developmental wellbeing of children in the Liberian Society.
“Raping of children can lead to emotional abuse and neglect. In this light, the Union vehemently condemns the terror of rape unleashed upon the 15-Year-Old by her Stepfather in Lofa County recently, and also, calling upon the Government of Liberia to immediately bring the perpetrator of this diabolical act to justice without further delay,” the union said
The ULAA said efforts should be made to build an ever-broader constituency in favor providing awareness through the Gender, Children and Social Protection and Health Ministries in order to seek synergies between strengthening preventive means and improvement of conditions that can lead to stopping sexual abuses and mental health challenges in the wider Liberian society.
On the other hand, the Union is urging the Liberian National Legislature to protect young daughters by steadfastly enacting tougher laws to halt and seek appropriate action against teen-age girls sexual abusers.
The Union has called upon all women organizations to join forces with all civil society and developmental agencies to strengthen community-based protection for young children against abuse, harassment and exploitation in the Liberian society.

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