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UL Professor Calls For “Effective Decentralization Services Collection/ Distribution Processes”


A Professor at the University of Liberia(UL), Francis N. Maweah says whilst it is a commendable initiatives for the Governments of Former President Ellen Johnson -Sirleaf and Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) of Dr. George Manneh Weah to have introduced newer methods for improved Government Tax and Revenues Collection /Decentralization Services for Government Employees, “it is equally important that effective mechanisms are put into place for prompt collections, deliveries and timely disbursement processes, writes Joe F. Wollie.
Prof. Maweah, who is Director for Regional Science Studies at the (UL), observed that during his recent research surveys conducted in several parts of this country with emphasis on rural communities, he realized that most local government offices, regional banking institutions and service centers were not active, effective or adequate enough to properly handle local tax payments, deliveries or operations for our rural dwellers. He sasidf theser individuals sometimes had to traveled long distances for several hours or days before reaching nearby centers or annexes to obtain services, but at most time been told that services were either inactive or have shutdown.
The Regional Planning and Science Professor, who is currently compiling his research studies for an Award of a PhD in Development Studies in Country: With emphasis on “Effectiveness of Service Centers: Problems and Prospects in the Creation of Government Revenue Intakes, however observed that if the system of Local Taxes and Revenue Services are to become effectively functional, Government can possibly increase revenue generation and reduce rural-urban migration nationwide”.
He also wants the local Government Agencies especially the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Finance, Economic and Development Planning to focus more attention on local General Administration and services in rural setting.
Prof. Maweah whose research thesis has to do with the College of Regional Science Graduate School (UL), and with focus on “Revenue Generation and Expenditure Procedures: Implications for Implementation of Decentralization policy of Government Services Center in Liberia”, discussed problems of revenue generation and expenditure procedures, something which he said, have become a recurring decimal and it has more often than not pitched countries service centers against the national government.
He said the fact that this problem has not been tackled drastically, emphasizes the need for state government services centers to evolve sustainable means of generating adequate funds and expenditure procedures.
The UL Professor said this presentation examines revenue sources for country, county development fund, county development agenda, strategies for revenue generation, and expenditure procedures.
“It is believed that if revenue generation activities and accurate expenditure mechanism are put in place, this will yield handsome rewards, as they will implemented and supported by staff and government authorities, Prof. Maweah concluded in an interviewer.

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