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UL Launches Digital Admission Platform


By Precious D Freeman
The state-run University of Liberia (UL) through the Offices of Enrollment Services, the Registration and Enhancement Committee, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) and Vice president for Academic Affairs, has launched a digital admission platform for incoming students.
The platform was launched recently at the Fendall of the UL outside Monrovia, by the president of the UL, Julius Sarwolo Nelson in a bid to ease the burden of long queuing during registration process and to encourage students to do online admission.
According to the UL president, the initiative will give new students who successfully passed the 2022 first and second entrances to now begin their admission processes online.
“Our Office of Enrollment Services, the Registration and Enhancement Committee, Information, the Office of Communication and Technology, and vice president for Academic Affairs, who supervised this exercise will work with us to get the job done,” said Dr. Nelson.
“The young men and women who were successful for the UL 2022 first and second entrance exams can now begin the process of admission to the University of Liberia,” he furthered.
Dr. Nelson indicated that the process will make it easier for the new entries to the UL, as the school continues on the path of digitalization.
“Right now, on behalf of the University of Liberia, administrative and faculty staff, students, I am happy on this day to launch the online admission process of the University of Liberia,” Dr. Nelson stated amid excitement.

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