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UBCAA Saddened By Deaths In Totota


The United Bong County Association in the Americas, (UBCAA) says the organization is saddened by the irreparable loss of lives that occurred recently in Totota, Bong County after a fuel tanker exploded killing more than 30 people.
In a dispatch from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the National Executive President, Caimon Joe Gbamokollie expressed condolences to the bereaved families for their irreparable losses and prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured. He prayed that God would give the families solace during this period of bereavement.
Mr. Gbamokollie expressed appreciation on behalf of the United Bong County Association in the Americas to the first responders, medical teams from Phebe, the JFK Medical Center, ELWA, and other health facilities for the enormous work they doing to save lives.
The Association thanked citizens, well-meaning Liberians, and the Bong County Legislative Caucus led by Representative Maima Briggs for the disaster relief efforts they have undertaken.
Meanwhile, the United Bong County Association in the Americas said it stands ready to contribute to current relief efforts and has constituted a National Emergency Disaster Relief Committee to work with local authorities. The Committee is chaired by Blyden Kennedy and includes the National Operations Chairman, Leo Mulbah.
At its emergency meeting on Wednesday, the organization raised an initial amount of five thousand United States dollars towards the relief effort. The goal of the committee is to raise $100,000 United Dollars. In the coming days, the emergency disaster relief committee will work with local professionals, stakeholders, and authorities to ensure that all relief assistance reaches the affected people and communities.

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