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Tweah Challenges UP To Reverse CDC Gains

Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah, has thrown down the gauntlet to the incoming regime of the Unity Party (UP) to reverse the gains made by the Coalition for Democratic Change’s regime, to bring back waste and large pay gaps between workers (employees) of same qualification and experience.

He told the media recently, while responding to visa restrictions imposed on him and two other senior officials of government, that all of those achievements by their administration were being confirmed separately in various reports made by the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Millennium Challenge (MCC), and several other international organizations.

Tweah said, among many things, that over the last two years of the MCC scorecard, their government has produced the best performance on scorecards since it came into being in 2007.

He pointed out that President-elect, Joseph Boakai, should have an agenda in engaging MCC on how Liberia can secure a US$500 million Compact, now that the regime of President George Weah has laid the groundwork for marked improvements on a range of governance areas.

Tweah went further that after all the achievements, somehow, some people at the United States’ State Department never showed any appreciation for the gains made under the leadership of Weah, accusing the United States’ former Ambassador, Michael McCarthy, of being an “effective opposition” to the regime of George Weah.

He informed the media that during several meetings held at the State and Treasury Departments, he copiously argued that there is disconnect between how State and Treasury were gauged with the performance of Weah, his government, and how other institutions were assessing their performance.

Tweah said despite Weah’s concession to defeat, operatives against him are determined to execute their plan by destroying the Coalition for Democratic Change, uprooting the grassroots mobilization capacity of the CDC, and crippling the intellectual center of the CDC by potentially destroying the careers of professionals like him through public misinformation fed the United States Government.

“None of these things was done to officials of the Unity Party, whose Auditor General, John Morlu, once said that the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Joseph Boakai Unity Party Government was three times more corrupt than the regime of former President, Charles Taylor,” he quoted.

However, Tweah continued, that in life, one has to face the dilemmas and challenges of fundamental unfairness, stating that these add to the strength of their character and to their resolve. “No matter what, we as respective persons, and as a political institution dubbed the CDC, will never die, and must prevail,” he noted.  

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