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TVET Stakeholders Validate IECD -Developed Electricity Curriculum


The Liberian government along with its private sector partners has validated the national Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) curriculum for electricity to be taught in all schools across the country.
The curriculum was developed by the Institut europeen de cooperation et de Developpement (IECD) also known as the European Institute for Development Corporation as part of its STRIVE project that is strengthening integration through vocational education that is funded by French Development Agency.
Last Friday, July 12, 2024, the Ministries of Youth and Sports as well as Education represented the government to validate the national tool which was described as a positive start for the improvement of trade and vocational training in Liberia.
Firestone and other companies represented the private sector while UNIDO, UNESCO and some other international bodies witnessed the colorful event at the country office of the IECD in Sinkor.
IECD-Liberia Country Director Guillaume Desjonqueres explained the French group desire of creating an enabling environment for young people to advance themselves through entrepreneurship and TVET.
Desjonqueres said the French Development Agency initiated intend of implementing the STRIVE project in Liberia after visiting several countries and decided to work with the IECD as a French NGO to have some improvement in the areas vocational and technical training.
According to him, the IECD has already and always been interested in working with TVET schools and centers in Liberia for the past years which made the French agency request to fit directly into their program.
Desjonqueres added the idea of the curriculum was brought out after feasibility study and different engagement with different stakeholders to know the pressing needs of the Liberian market.
He said it will help young students who are desirous of studying electricity to have a standard learning program and be able to effectively work for different companies and even create their own.
The Senior Project Manager for IECD, Adelphi Doman, revealed that the discovery of different teaching methods at the various TVET centers was a serious problem which meant that the sector lacked a structural and standardized curriculum.
Doman intimated that electricity is a high growth sector in Liberia that is why the developers of the curriculum took it into consideration and produced a unifying tool that will be used by all centers going forward.
“This means that TVET schools can now work together to archive a goal that is to provide quality trainings to Liberian youths. Training that will lead to employment to the market. This curriculum is inclusive and the young people will be able compete with other on job across the region,” he said.
He maintained that all stages of the curriculum development were inclusive of all stakeholders through proper engagements, coordination and import before final review and validation for the use of Liberian schools.
After signing on behalf of the government, Assistant minister for TVET at the ministry of Youth and Sports, Collins Tamba along with Assistant Minister for Planning, Research and Development at the Ministry of Education, Thomas Parker expressed government’s willingness and passion to develop the sector noting that both entities have been involved with entire process of the curriculum.
They said the regime inherited the developmental project and saw it as a tool to work with for the interest of the citizens because the curriculum will be used by everyone.
Minister Tamba encouraged schools interested in offering TVET trainings to engage the line ministries and the other international partners including the IECD for copies of the curriculum.
“This will end the situation where we see someone with level two qualification teaching students in level two. This will set the standard for competence, qualification and enhancement of the teaching system of TVET in this country that is why the government saw it important to validate,” the Assistant Minister said.

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