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Traffic Court Jails Defendant Ketter Jailed For Reckless Driving


The Monrovia Traffic Court at the Temple of Justice has charged defendant Foster Ketter, a motorcycle operator and reprimanded him at the Monrovia City Prison.

Prior to his incarceration, the prison Superintendent, Varney Lake, was informed through a communication from Traffic Court Judge, Karsor Zubah, that defendant Ketter was being charged for reckless driving and therefore should be detained.

Defendant Ketter was brought to court for allegedly hitting Officer Tossio T. Aldolf of the Liberia National Police.

However, information gathered has it that some officers of the Traffic Division are clandestinely ordering the court to release defendant Ketter on bail.

Others fear that the motive of the police seeking release for the defendant who allegedly hit one of their own is unwarranted, and urged the court to follow the legal proceedings to its logical conclusion.

The contention is that, though the defendant is entitled to a bail, according to court rules, a defendant is bailed on surety, therefore, in this case, strangely, the Liberia National Police is intruding into the matter by illegally seeking the release of defendant Ketter.

Judge Zubah’s communication read, “You are hereby commanded to receive into your legal custody the living body of defendant Foster Ketter, Operator of TVS Star Tricycle, who has been charged for the crime (s) failure to follow lawful order and reckless driving, resulting in injury.”

The communication added, “And for so doing this shall constitute your legal and sufficient authority.”

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