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“This Case Is Between
Bility And Myself”
…Says Dillon; Proves Unpreparedness


By Grace Q. Bryant
Appearing before the Civil Law Court yesterday, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon said he was unprepared to file a bond against a US$1.5 million charge levied against him by Liberty Party Chairperson, Musa Bility.
Senator Dillon who appeared in court with an instruction to file a valid bond pleaded with the court for mercy because according to him, he was also unable to secure a surety bond.
The court then ordered the Senator to show up every day at the court until he can file his bond.
But speaking with reporters on the grounds of Temple of Justice, Senator Dillon said He said, “This case is between Bility and myself and not Liberty Party and I.” thereby assuring that he will be present at the court in connection to the rule of law as nobody is above the law.
According to the Senator, the lawsuit against him will be stretched to the logical legal conclusion and the full length of the law noting, “This matter we will take it to the full length of the law and those statement that are made , trust me, we are in court now and this is the last bus stop.”
Dillon however noted that the case is a civil matter and for said reason, he had to come though being a senator, all other legal processes and constitutional privileges will be followed
Bility’s legal counsel revealed that during the proceedings, he will cause the issuance of the Writs of Subpoena duces tecum and ad testificandum to be issued on the Management of FrontPage Newspaper and OK FM to produce the newspaper publications on December 8, 2021 in which Senator Dillon defamed Bility and the video recording of OK FM in which the defendant appeared on OK Morning Rush show.
Musa Bility filed a law suit against Senator Dillon for Action of Damages for Wrong for Libel and Slander by Attachment in the tune of $US 1 million.
Based on the complaint, the Judge of the Civil Law Court at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia, J. Kennedy Peabody, ordered the Clerk of the court to issue a Writ of Attachment against Senator Dillon and directed to the Sheriff to arrest, levy, seize and attach the land, goods, and Chattel of the Defendant (Senator Dillon) to the tune of $US1, 500,000.
“You are hereby commanded to issue a Writ of Attachment against the within named defendant and directed to the Sheriff for the Civil Law Court, Montserrado County, commanding him to arrest, levy, seize and attach the lands, goods, and Chattel of the defendant, Senator Abraham Darious Dillon, Senator for Montserrado County, Liberia National Legislature, Republic of Liberia of the City of Monrovia, to the tune of $US1, 500, 000,” the Judge ordered on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.
He furthered, “You are also directed to insert a clause in the Writ of Attachment and Garnishment, commanding the Sheriff aforesaid to notify the defendant to appear on February 5, 2022, to answer to the complaint of the Action of Damages and command the Sheriff to make his official returns endorsed on the original of the Writ as to the manner of service on or before the 5th day of February A.D. 2022”.
Judge Peabody also ordered the Sheriff to arrest the living body of the defendant (Senator Dillon) Senator for Montserrado County, keep him in custody should he fail to show property(ies) to cover the amount In the attachment and garnishment and to have him comply with the terms and condition of the attachment order of the court.
Bility complained to the court that between November, December 2021 and January 15, 2022, he became a target of blackmail, libel, slander malicious stigmatization on social media purely found on the pillar of political agenda and lies against his name and reputation when defendant Dillon accused him of being a ‘Criminal and fraudster.’
The complaint noted that according to Bility, in social, electronic and print media publications decided to carry individual stories of ‘fraudster and criminality’ allegations against him which are characterized by falsehood and lacking any fact.

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