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“There Will Be No War” …Weah Says Liberia Is On Development Path


By Precious D Freeman

President George Weah has assured Liberians that Liberia is on the right path to development and will remain peaceful at all times, despite negative comments from the opposition.

According to him, there will be no more war, neither will there be rebel check points across the country.

Speaking, upon his return to the country from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in the United States of America, the Liberian leader described Nimba County Senator, Prince Johnson’s recent statement threatening the country’s uninterrupted peace as ‘reckless.’

President Weah stressed that he believes in peace and is committed to upholding good democratic tenets for the betterment of his people.

“Don’t listen to those who are threatening you and the peace, don’t allow anyone to make you afraid because we will maintain the peace,” he promised.

Making the statement Saturday evening, during a thanksgiving and intercessory prayer service to mark his safe return to the Liberia, he added that he trusts the people who believe in him and is certain that their will will prevail through the ballot box.

He encouraged the Liberian people to continue to foster peace, because it is the engine to growth.

“George Weah is loved by the people because he takes care of his people and l am sure that the people will vote me again,” he boasted.

“I was elected as a footballer, but now, I will be reelected as the developer,” he re-emphasized.

President Weah maintained that he will be re-elected because of the tangibles he has done for his people over the years.

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