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The Soonest; The Best


ACCORDING TO THE National Elections Commission (NEC) guidelines, this should be the period of running mates naming and setting up political parties for qualification onward to campaign.
RECENTLY, UNITY PARTY’S Joseph Nyumah Boakai took the lead by naming his running mate at a colorful ceremony held at the party’s headquarters on Broad Street in Monrovia.
JEREMIAH KPAN KOUNG of Nimba County Senator Prince Yormie Johnson of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) was the successful pick.
THIS WILL MEAN that for the 2023 elections only two political parties are prepared as per their completed leadership structure; the CDC-George Weah and Jewel Howard Taylor as well as UP-Boakai and Koung.
BOAKAI’S IDEOLOGY IS that his running mate does not necessarily have to be a perfect being therefore he was never in search of a sinless angel, but a real human being that in his believe seeks redemption and imbibes the humility and willingness to work with a team that will make Liberia better.
HE CHOSE SOMEONE young and energetic who is expected to commit to integrity and accountability in governance, commit to reconciling and healing our country and who by their early upbringing understands and connects with a youthful generation and a nation still traumatized by war and denial but yet is an example of success.
INDEED, THE PRONOUNCEMENT of Boakai’s running mate seemed a long wait and that was axiomatic by the expectation of Liberians thereby drawing international concerns toward UP as if it was the only opposition political party that lacked a complete leadership structure.
NOW, THE BALL is in the courts of others like the Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alexander Cummings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) who is also expected to do same during the party’s National Convention scheduled from May 12-14, in Ganta, Nimba County.
OTHERS WHO SHOULD be expected to name their running mates are the Liberian People’s Party (LPP) of Tiawan Gongloe; the Rainbow Alliance led by Reginald Goodridge; the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP) of Losene Kamara, Democratic Alliance of William W. Tuider, Movement for One Liberia, Macdella Cooper, VOLT of Jeremiah Wapoe and the list continues.
WE ARE NOT making a comparison between the UP and other opposition bloc but we want every party ticket to resonate in the ears and minds of the voters or electorates who are the higher decision-makers on Election Day.
INDEED, THE SOONER the better!!!

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