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Teahjay, Duncan At Each Other’s Throat In Sinoe


Sinoe County Senator and Representative, Milton Teahjay and Crayton Duncan, are accusing each other of assassination as the contest for the senatorial seat in the county in the October polls gets ‘toxic.’

Teahjay accused Duncan of a plot to kill him, following the hiring of some foreign nationals, mainly Burkinabes, who were taken to Sinoe from Grand Gedeh to allegedly get rid of him, but vowed that if any Sinoean gets hurt, he and others shall go after Duncan.

But Duncan responded by denying the allegation to kill Teahjay, describing the incumbent senator as a ‘crafty person’ or somebody who is in the constant habit of making up stories against people whom he perceives as enemies.

It was reported that six Burkinabes who were originally brought into the country from either the Ivory Coast or Burkina Faso by Grand Gedeh County  and Superintendent Kai Farley was allegedly arrested in Greenville with a copybook containing Teahjay’s and some members of his campaign team’s names for elimination or ritualistic purposes.

Teahjay claimed that those Burkinabes were arrested in the home of Duncan in Lexington Town, on the outskirts of Greenville by officers of the Liberia Immigration Services (LIS), as they were hired and taken to the county by the Representative.

He alleged that because of the arrest and detention of those Burkinabes, fear has sunk in the minds of the residents, insinuating that something dangerous is about to happen in the county, but vowed that if any Sinoean gets hurt, whether directly or indirectly, he (Teahjay) and others shall go after Duncan.

“Duncan wants to be Senator of Sinoe County by all means; therefore, he (Crayton) and his team are engaging into also sorts of things. Because of this, few days ago, some unknown people went to my house in Unification Town, Taryonwon District, Sinoe County, but fortunately for me, I was not there, which saved my life,” Teahjay told the media yesterday in Monrovia.

He stated that in Sinoe County, there has been no confusion between him (Teahjay) and that of Electoral District 3 Representative, Matthew Zarzar, but since the introduction of Duncan on the political scene, there is always heightened tension in the county, which does not augur well. But he also stated that if he (Crayton) so desperately wants the senatorial job, he can have it.

In reaction, Duncan denied the allegation levied against him by Teahjay, stating that the incumbent senator is a crafty person or someone who knows how to makeup stories against people whenever things are not going his way, and as such, Teahjay is losing his grip on power in Sinoe County.

He said, among many things, that those Burkinabes were arrested in the home of Teahjay’s campaign team’s spokesman, and not in his (Crayton’s) house, and that can be verified by residents in Greenville, Sinoe County, stating that Teahjay is a confusionist who cannot be trusted.

Duncan said being that Teahjay failed his senatorial responsibility to his constituency (Sinoe), he is looking for a scapegoat, thereby making up stories by putting the public under false pretense that someone is after, him but that is not the case as the incumbent senator is drowning.

About the arrest of those Burkinabees in Sinoe County, Immigration Communication Officer, Abraham Dorley, clarified the incident but could neither confirm nor deny whether they were arrested with a list of people’s names on it, including that of Teahjay or any member of his campaign team.

He said, originally, those Burkinabees were brought into the country either from Burkina Faso or Ivory Coast by Grand Gedeh County Superintendent, Kai Farley, to work on his farm; therefore, they were granted 1 a month permit by the Immigration, but after the completion of the farming work, they did not go back.

Dorley continued that based on that, early this week, those Burkinabees were hired by one Sylvester Nah and taken to Greenville to work for him on his farm, but they were arrested and placed into custody by the immigration there. However he could not confirm if they were apprehended with a list that contained the names of Teahjay and members of his campaign team.

During the midterm senatorial race in 2014, Teahjay and others who are now seeking re-election were elected at the time. In the pending elections, Teahjay has Electoral Districts 1 and 3 Representatives, Crayton Duncan and Matthew Zarzar, up against him, which makes the race tough and is building up tension in the county.

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