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SWAL Member Resigns From Reconciliation Committee

Front Page Africa Sports reporter, Jaheim Tumu, a member of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia, has resigned from the Association’s Reconciliation Committee, following his nomination by the president of the body.

The Reconciliation Committee was announced by SWAL president, Varma Kamara, following his induction in early March 2024, with a mandate to strategize and coordinate the means of reconciling the body after the heated election held among its members in December 2023.

Tumu, in a letter addressed to SWAL president, Varma Kamara, on April 5, 2024, indicated that he decided to tender his resignation because throughout the election, he was involved deeply in campaigning and politicizing some key issues, and some of the comments and utterances made then could be instruments that angered some individuals within the opposition block.

“I think I should be one of those individuals that needs to be reconciled as well, so I write to formally notify you of my resignation from the Reconciliation Committee of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL), for which the leadership provided the opportunity and reposed confidence in me to serve,” Tumu’s letter to the president stated.

He wrote further, “Mr. President, I pray that your leadership accepts my communication in good faith.  However, going forward, I am open to serving in other capacities to move our beloved SWAL to a new height, which will explore a good developmental agenda,” the nominee asserted.

Meanwhile, Tumu’s resignation has raised serious eyebrows among members of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia, with many citing that the other committee members do not want to give him space to perform his role due to his full involvement in the election.

Several local outlets, including this paper, have independently verified that Jahim Tumu was very vocal on the opponents of the current leadership during the election, and his efforts played a pivotal role in the defeat of the opposition bloc.

Tumu is on record of using his pen to provoke other members. His action won more members on board for Team Varma and Chris.

Team Varma and Chris’ entire campaign team were victors in the just-ended SWAL elections, with Varmah Kamara, president; Christopher Walker, Vice president; Edwin Dolo, Secretary General; Jerome Willie, Assistant Secretary General; Naomi Tappia, Financial Secretary, and Yusuf Sheriff, Chaplain.

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