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SUTHAG Charity Foundation, NIDO
Celebrate Nigerian’s Independence


The SUTHAG Charity Foundation was founded in 2014 by Chief ThankGod McDonald Iriruaga, a diplomat businessman, with aims and objectives geared at improving the lives of the physically challenged and less privileged in the society.
Currently the Foundation has decided to embark on humanitarian activities in Grand Bassa and Montserado Counties to positively affect the living conditions of its targeted beneficiaries.
Since the establishment of the Foundation, it contributed to Ebola survivors in 2014 palliatives share during the Covid-19 period in 2020 and 2022.
The Foundation has made other contributions to orphans, less privileged, churches, mosques and other charity organizations.
The charity foundation also awarded scholarship to 10 students through brilliant performances displayed while representing their various schools during a recently held children’s party in commemoration of Nigeria Independence day celebration.
The event also captured their visitation to the Monrovia Central Prison where food, toiletries and water were provided to 11 Nigerian inmates and other nationals.
The gesture was also extended to marketers when the foundation donated 10 wheel barrows to Nigerians in the Red-light and Duala Markets.
100 bags of rice were also presented to be shared among the disabled community while three one-way tickets from Monrovia to Lagos were allotted to stranded Liberians through NIDO by the Foundation.

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