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Suah Family Files Petition For Justice


In a long far-fetched solution to the land dispute among the Suah, Jabated and Donzo families that Paye Suah can longer bear to wait for any result has hence filed a petition to the Legislature seeking justice, as the Presidential Land Dispute Committee has suspended all activities regarding land disputes in Nimba County.
He told a team of reporters that the Suah family’s petition is calling the attention of the government regarding the land dispute in Ganta and to monitor the activities of the Presidential Land Committee in terms of decision so that transparent justice prevails in the disputed land case.
The Suah family has accused some members of on Presidential Land Committee of allegedly playing a double game that apparently delayed the case from being heard and are also refusing to inform President Weah about the investigation if any was ever carried out by the said Committee.
According to the Suah family, the entire committee is allegedly dominated by Muslims and it is the Muslim solidarity that has taken over the entire investigation thereby doing everything possible that the case falls in favor of the Mandingo parties.
Reports gathered by this paper has revealed that Ganta is among cities in the country that ranks high for land dispute cases and Dumpa Field Land Dispute is among the disputed lands in the county that poses threat to peace and security in the county.
The Suah, Jabateh and Donzo families are claiming ownership over one acre of land situated on the Domba field in Ganta Bain-Garr District in Nimba County.
In 2021, the high court ruled in favor of the Suah family that all properties on the land belonged to the Suah family and that decision apparently led to the burning down of a warehouse situated on the Dumpa Field by unknown person which led to chaos among residents.
The Suah petition dated August 6 , 2022, stated article 65 of the constitution which stated that Judicial power of the Republic of Liberia shall be invested in the Supreme Court and such subordinate court as the legislature may amend from time to time, as its establishment and judgements of the supreme Court shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to appeal or review by any other branch of government.

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