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Storm Damages Several Public Schools In Ganta


By Solomon T. Gaye, Sr.

Storm has damaged several government operated schools in Bain-Garr Education District in Ganta City, Nimba County.

The John Wesley Pearson Extension Senior High School, Rainbow Covenant Senior High School and Zoegehseh Elementary and Junior High School are among the public schools that were destroyed in the county.

The Principal of the John Wesley Pearson Extension Senior High School, Nyan Vahn, told the Inquirer Newspaper that over the weekend, the storm destroyed several of the text books provided by AQE through the Ministry of Education (MOE), the photo copy machines and the computers.

Principal Vahn added that the school’s documents in the office of the principal and registrar have all gotten damaged due to the downpour of rain.

The John Wesley Pearson Extension Senior High School and the Rainbow Covenant are among the five government senior high schools that boast of high enrollments of student in the Bain-Garr District.

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