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Solway Mining Clarifies Connection To Russian Oligarchs


The Management of Solway Mining wishes to clarify recent media reports about its connection to Russian oligarchs.

This information is totally untrue; to finance its exploration operations in Liberia, Solway Mining Inc. secured debt financing from Solway Investment Group based in Switzerland. Solway Group operates mines and smelting plants in New Caledonia, Guatemala, Ukraine, Macedonia and Indonesia.

The Group’s total assets were valued at USD 1.23 billion in 2020, and it is the world’s largest privately owned nickel producer in a sector dominated by public companies.

The Solway Group is headed by Alexander Bronstein, an Estonian citizen currently living in Tallinn, Estonia. Estonia has been a member of NATO since 2004. Mr Bronstein served as Vice President for the World Jewish Congress in 2007.

Solway has the only Ferronickel Plant in Ukraine (Pobuzhsky), built upon a strong, ongoing commitment to its social responsibility to the local community. The over US $200 million plant currently has an annual production capacity of over 22,000 metric tons of Nickel and over 1.1 million metric tons of dry laterite ore.

Here in Liberia, Solway Mining Incorporated, Liberian registered, obtained its Exploration License in 2019. Since then it has employed over 165 staff, with 99% being Liberians.

Despite the delay by the government to sign its MDA, Solway has taken keen interest in the project impacted communities, providing jobs, scholarships to advance the children’s education, skills in vegetable production, tailoring, and other vocational training.

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