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Sinoe Residents Alarm Over CDC Legislative Caucus’ Listing To Boakai


Some persons claiming to be partisans of the Unity Party and its alliance in Sinoe have described the Sinoe Legislative Caucus’ proposed listing for presidential appointments as a time bomb to explode against the Executive come the 2029 General Presidential and Legislative Election.
The group, under the banner, “Unity Party Alliance in Sinoe” said they are calling on the President to avoid considering those recommended to his office by the County’s Legislative Caucus for appointments into different positions at the county level, on grounds that they are all members of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) that are going to be planted in the leadership to undermine the developmental agenda of the Rescue Mission.
Speaking in an interview with this paper, Cleophas Mah, Vice Chair for Recruitment and Mobilization of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction, alleged that the Sinoe County Legislative Caucus, composed of all CDCians, has decided to use their proximity to the office of the Minister of State and Presidential Affairs, Sylvester Grisby, to appoint members of the opposition community, leaving out a listing that was submitted to Unity Party Chairman Luther Tarpeh from the UP Alliance leadership in the county.
Mah said the members of the Rescue Alliance, after going through the thick-and-thins, of the electoral process, got to a realization that the caucus, with dubious political motives, decided to engage the Minister of State in the absence of the Unity Party National Chairman to have former ruling party officials steering the affairs of the county, which, according to him, will be a time bomb that will blast against the current administration in the next election.
He urged the President to take the reality of fulfilling his campaign promises made during the election that brought him to power and working with the different alliance groups that supported him in the region that is widely considered as a no-gone-zone for any party, except the CDC.
For his part, the Secretary General of the Rescue Mission in Sinoe, Anthony Geeplay, said that they supported the agenda of the President are in the interest of fostering peace, development, and every other thing that will take their county to the next level, making the regime to succeed, stressing that the appointment of officials of the former ruling party through the listing submitted by the caucus, will lead to chaos in the county and those in the opposition community will use the government positions to keep their vigorous campaigns against the regime if they are given public offices.
“The County Legislative Caucus has all CDCians that are not thinking that elections are over for them to work and promote peace and development in Sinoe County, but are dubiously pushing the interest of their party, using the Minister of State’s office to get a listing of officials of the party and going to the President for appointments. We that sacrificed and risked our lives are abandoned by this caucus only because we supported the Rescue Mission,” he said.
He sent it as a caveat on behalf of the group, that if the administration uses the decision of the caucus to appoint those on the listing of opposition camps, the outcome will be less than ideal for the ruling party and will contribute to undermining the Rescue agenda.
The Youth Chairperson of the Unity Party, Roosevelt Tiawuleh, buttressed the members of the group, noting that there is no reward for politics in heaven.
He asserted that the county deserves better and those that worked with the Alliance for the success of the party are the only ones committed to defending what they have worked overtime to get.
According to them, some of those die-hard CDCians that are part of the caucus’ dubious listing before the Minister of State, include Macdonald Wlemue, former Superintendent-Chief Strategist for the CDC campaign in Sinoe; Barbara Kieh, former Development Superintendent-Representative candidate; Dairus Geeplay, former Port Manager for Sinoe-Co-Chair for Recruitment; Christian Tababo, former Labor Commissioner-CDC Regional Coordinator, and Henry Doe Dargbeh, former City Mayor- Spokesman for the CDC campaign in the county, among others.
According to the group, these persons did not only dollarize the campaign against the President, but spread falsehood and defamed the hard-earned reputation of the statesman.
“Bringing these people back in government would be like digging your own grave,” the MDR Chairman said.
All efforts to contact Sen. Albert Chie, Reps. Romeo Quiah and Alex Nouh, for their side of the story did not materialize as their numbers rang endlessly.

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