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Several Street Sellers Arrested


Several individuals wearing uniforms believed to be City police from the Monrovia City Corporation yesterday began carrying on the arrests of street hawkers against the restrictions of mass public gatherings or social distancing in and around in central Monrovia.
Those arrested and were reportedly in defiance of the government and marketers’ agreement to raid the street sellers were turned over to the custody of the Liberia National Police at the various depots or kept in adjacent areas.
As early as 7 A.M. on Tuesday, March 24, the MCC security in vehicles mounted with loud speaker were in the streets informing the public mostly street sellers about the ban placed on street selling and that anyone caught in defiance of the said order will be arrested.
Many petty traders took the announcement for granted and gathered at their usual places to sell while others took to the streets selling what many others believed were non-essential goods during this time of prevention against the spread of the coronavirus but the traders’ actions were met with stiff resistance by the police.
The police described those traders’ attitude as “defiance or challenge” to government’s order and prompted the security to begin seizing the goods and at the same time bundling them up into empty but parked vans which took the goods away.
The drama occurred on Broad Street, Mechlin Streets, Water Street, Benson Streets and other adjacent areas while those who were arrested were also manhandled by the security as they were beaten with switches or batons to the disbelieved of some onlookers.
The situation soon turned into a serious commotion between the marketers and the city police thereby prompting other petty traders who were bent on remaining on the streets to engage the police take to their heels to avoid being flogged or losing their products.
Earlier this week, the health authorities ordered the closure of schools, churches, mosques, entertainment centers including video clubs, bar, cook shops among others to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.
Already in the country, three persons have been confirmed positive while several others are placed under observation for retesting by health authorities at various centers in Monrovia.
Globally, there are 396, 249 cases recorded as of today’s date while there are already 17, 252 deaths so far. The virus is said to have hit all continents of the world.

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