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Several Laid Munah To Rest


Several family members, Catholics including sympathizers and friends have bid farewell to Sister Josephine Munah Tapson.
Sister Munah who was born on July 28, 1963 and died on July 21, 2024 at her residence in the Christopolis Community in Brewerville, District 17, Montserrado County and was laid rest at the Island Clinic Cemetery over the weekend.
Delivering the Homily amidst huge crowd at the St. Mary Parish in The Tweh Farm Community, the Priest in Charge, Father Francis A. Lyall urged Christians to strive at seeking personal relationship with God saying, “they must be focused on acquiring their salvation that is eternal and not fight to for material things which are vanity.”
According to him, sister Munah was a devoted Christian who lived a humble life serving God at the same time caring for children that were not even her biological children thereby demonstrating Christian behavior.
He furthered that sister Munah was indeed an active member of the church and as such, she was associated with several organizations in the church like the Knights of Marshall, amongst others and as such, the church will cherish her memories.
Father Lyall added that sister Munah only enjoyed the latter part of her life with her children and that she was unfortunately cut short due to sickness and she eventually she gave in to it.
He indicated that as Jesus Christ raised from the dead and promised Christians that they will also rise with Him because they were baptized and lived in Him as He paved the way and washed their sins away.
“Sister Munah has played her part on earth and so I encouraged members of the family as well as the audience to emulate her good legacy and hold together,” the Priest stressed.
The deceased was a sports enthusiast and a player as well as supporter of the game at the church and also in the St. Paul Bridge Community.
Fate Bobby Tapson, son of the deceased stated that they are indeed devastated due to the passing of their mom, adding that the day was just another day and so that life must go on.
He then urged the members of the family to depend on God as they cannot question Him as He gives and takes away but they are proud of the life that she lived evident by the countless tributes that were paid by family members, friends including Parishioners, community residents amongst others.

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